1//the eaton home

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[marcus' pov]

I walk through the the front door, thinking about an amazing day's work.

"Hi honey!" Evelyn says as she sees me come into the kitchen. "Hello beautiful" I reply as I walk towards her, pecking her lips with a "good to see you" kiss.

She smiles as I release her from the embrace, knowing that we aren't allowed to be doing this.

"Alright, Marcus, I have dinner ready, enough rule-breaking." She smiles mischievously. "Okay, okay." I set the table and call, "Tobias! Dinner's ready!"

My amazing, strong son comes down the stairs, sitting down at the table with Evelyn and I.

"Are you nervous?" I say as we start on the peas and carrots.

"A little bit, but I'm mostly just excited about what the aptitude test results are going to be."

Evelyn nods, no doubt remembering her test. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see, but whatever you get, and whatever you choose, just know, your mother and I will always love you."

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