trip in the past

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Be jake ===>

You woke up from your blood loss sleep (thanks to dirk...) . You looked around the room, your head hurting to hell, hoping it was a bad dream. You soon realize you're not in your room but instead in a different room that looked like a orange had thrown up on it. You slowly get up and adjust your glasses before you look around. You jolt when you see what looks like dirk standing in the corner . He was looking down and had his arms at his side. "....dirk?" You said getting a pen off the table; it being the only thing you can defend yourself with. You slowly walk over and investigate . You poke dirks face and his arm falls off, giving you a jump. You panic to pick it up and put it back on until you remember what it was. It was a robot dirk built...

* flash back to the day jake finds out about dirk and him as kids ps be jake still and in the flash back there about 11 or 12 and in the main story here about 18 or 19 okay!*

You ran out of school, happy as can be "BOOOYEAAHH" you ran down the sidewalk and ran home and bursts into the door " is jane back yet?" Your grandma jade asks " no she's not, she's hanging out with roxie" you smiled bright and out your bag down " dirk and i have plans. He said he wanted to show me something! " you ran out of the house and your grandmother went to the door " don't forget! your grandfather wants to teach you more things later! So be back before dark okay? You know how he is about that !" She yelled. You smile " okay! I will and make tacos for dinner! " you ran to you and dirks usual meeting place and sat under a tree, waiting for dirk. Soon dirk come pulling something along . " ahoy!" You got up and went to him . " hey dude " he smiled and set up a taller figure under a blanket. "What's that?" You asked. " it's what i wanted to show you. jake, meet bro bot " he pulled the blanket off and it showed what looks like an older version of dirk . " gadzooks! It's so cool! Did you make this?" You asked surprised. He got a smug look " yes i did~ he is brobot made it so no hum-person could beat it! See look " he turned it on and it powers up and it stretches. It looks at dirk then back at you and tilted head. You smile " wow. Dirk you're soo cool and it's soo cool " you hug dirk happy and he hugs back with a blush. He chuckles and rubs the back of his head " really?" You smiled and giggled . " so he's brobot? That's so c-" brobot picked you up by the mouth, threw you into a tree, dashed to you and kicked you - hard sending you flying into another tree. Brobot started to beat the living daylights out of you. Dirk's face grew pale and started to chase after and tries to pull him off of you " STOP BROBOT STOP HE'S A FRIEND STOP" brobot shrugged him off and continues to kick the crap out of you. ( this is where jakes memory's of this day end but ima add the rest )
Dirk didn't know what to do and ran and got infront of you and caught both his hands dirks tail whipping out him holding brobot still " hes a friend so fuckIng STOP" dirk smashes his hand into brobots chest and pulls out his heart. brobot shut down and fell into the floor. dirk turns to you, his tail and wings out, and picks you up. He shakes you and holds you before biting his wrist. Crying some. He goes to put his blood in your mouth but was stopped by your grandfather, who snatched you way from him. He yelled angrily " you did this!" . Dirk saw the hunter mark on his neck and hisses at him and backed up. " your a hunter?....wait..does that mean ..jakes one too...? ". Dirk looked upset and the grandfather moves your shirt to show the hunter mark on your neck. Dirk looked like he just saw his pet dog die and took off; grabbing brobot and his heart . A few weeks later you woke up in the hospital, your body in pain. You glanced over to a crying grandmother..." hey gran, whats ...wrong? " she looks at you and hugs you " its your grandfather. ...hes been killed! ...and ...dirk...your friend. ..he did it...hes a demon..." she cried some more "and dirk did this to you!" . You look up with a new look of betrayal in your eye. "...i'll get him back for this grandmother... i swear. "

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