Chapter 30 - Story Time

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I woke up as soon as the dream ended. I winced, suddenly feeling the sharp pain on my side. I froze letting the pain dull away. Once it dulled, I relaxed letting out the breath I was holding.

I thought back to the dream I just had, feeling really weird about it. This was the second time I had a dream where I was crying, asking Dimitri to not do something. What that something was, I have no clue. And that kiss, it sent shivers through me. I didn't actually experience it, I saw it happen between Dimitri and I which was making me feel weird because I wanted to actually experience it. And it wasn't that I just wanted to do it in my dream, but I wanted to kiss him in real life. I wanted to know how it would feel.

I closed my eyes, willing the thought away. It was just a stupid dream making me feel like that. The want would go away by morning. It should.

I checked the time and it was 3 am in the morning. Then I realized that I was sleeping in Dimitri's room but Dimitri wasn't here himself. I wondered where he was. Was he sleeping somewhere else?

A thought suddenly came to me. What if he was with Shauna? Did he spend time at night with Shauna? He probably does. The thought really pissed me off. He should be sleeping here in his room. Not with that Shauna. I knew I was assuming things, but where else would he be?

Suddenly, I heard the room door opening causing me to close my eyes. I lay still pretending I was asleep. I didn't know who entered the room. It most likely had to be Dimitri but it could be anyone. I stayed still, waiting to see what this person would do, whoever it was.

I felt soft footsteps coming towards me. Once they reached me, whoever it was placed their hand on my cheek and I immediately recognized it as Dimitri. The rough feel of his fingers, gently caressed my cheek. I almost whimpered in protest when he removed his fingers, causing me to miss their wonderful warmth.

I felt him sigh before he sat down on the bed beside me. He sat there for quite a while doing nothing. It was making me feel anxious and I had this burning need inside me to just get up and kiss him. It was bad. Real bad.

I had no idea what was wrong with me. I've never wanted to kiss someone so badly before. And I've had many dreams where I've kissed Dimitri but none of them affected me as much as this one did. It was actually insane, this feeling.

I finally felt him move and grab the edge of the blanket, slowly pulling it off of me. I was curious to see what it was he was doing. He then grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it up, revealing my bandaged wound. I suddenly felt the cold hit my bare stomach, causing me to visibly shiver.

Dimitri seemed to notice as he had pressed himself closer to me, his body heat entering me, making me feel significantly warmer. He then gently placed his hand on top of the bandaged wound, probably to make sure it wasn't bleeding again. I hissed in pain, causing him to immediately pull away. I could feel his gaze fixed on my face now.

"Isabella." He quietly said, knowing I was awake. I opened my eyes, finding him leaning over me. I couldn't properly see him, but I was able to make out his features in the dark. Especially his lips. His plump, smooth, perfectly carved lips. I immediately looked away.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked, leaning in closer to me, resting his hand on my bare stomach. I could feel my heart pounding loudly, my pulse going insane.

"A little." I responded gulping, as he lightly caressed the exposed skin on my stomach.

"Tell me if you start feeling a lot of pain, okay Isabella?" He said, as he took his other hand and placed it on my forehead, pushing my hair away from my face. His scent was really overpowering my senses now, causing me to feel light-headed, but in a good a
way. Everything about him felt so good.

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