Hidden Love

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Hey People,

 This chapter is dedicated to @Stars06 for commenting last chapter and for the really encouraging comment thanks Stars

I have decided that unless I get the 2 comments and 4 votes I shall not be updating for a month. Thanks for voting and for all the votes and reads. Hope you school guys are keeping up the good grades, good luck all Aussie kids with naplan last week which for those whom don’t know they are major exams.

By the way if there is any confusion Gabriella is a witch in all her forms but one which shall reveal at the end of the book, speaking about end of book I was thinking about ending the book at 26 parts or roughly 80-150 pages.

Good luck guys and don’t forget




Love ya all


Damon’s POV

YYYYo-LLove her Tyler stumbled out as I stared in astonishment ‘How long have you “Loved her”?” I enquired “I’ve known her since we were babies and I have had a major crush on her ever since I could remember,” Matt replied “Can you please not tell her about all of you guys and the supernatural creatures you are or how I like her” “I believe she knows all about us she probably knows everything maybe more than I do,” Tyler said with a thought” Speaking of Gabi should probably I should go and make sure she is alright,” I said finally speaking Matt and Tyler nod and go join the others downstairs, walking into Gabi’s room I notice her sitting up and trying to get out of bed she is about to fall so I sped over just in time to steady her “Thanks,” I hear her mumble “I’m ok trust me I want to go downstairs” Walking closely behind her we make it downstairs where she gets tackled into a hug by Elena and Caroline, Matt as well Tyler were more civilised and gave her a normal hug before Stefan decided to tackle her to the ground. Laughing Gabi stands up and asks Caroline and Elena to come upstairs while we guys chill out downstairs

 Gabi’s POV

Leading my friend’s upstairs we then came to the entrance of the attic climbing up I walk over to a antique wardrobe opening it to reveal a major variety of clothes I turn around to see the girls starting at me in shock “ Now girls I believe that this Friday is the decade dance and for once they have chosen one of the better decades the 20’, ok girls close your trap and your more than welcome to borrow an outfit for the dance but please try to keep them clean and tidy these are very old. The girls raced over and tried on a few garments in the end the girls decided too shopping and buy their own outfits. Walking back downstairs we find the boys speaking in hushed voices they stop when they hear us entering the room, wonder what that was about.

2 days later- Monday Morning

Gabi’s POV

Stefan has finally convinced me to attend school with him so here I am at 7am in the morning deciding what to wear for my first day of school I ended wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a royal blue tank with a black leather jacket and some black ballet pumps leaving my hair down I walk downstairs with my classic white backpack, walking downstairs I see Damon with coffee in his hand being me I decided to mess with him just as he was putting the cup to his mouth I snatched the mug out of his hand and drank the coffee muttering some colourful words he pours another cup and the Stefan did the same thing “ Right that’s it can’t I just have one cup of coffee but no my younger siblings decide it is just too funny to steal my coffee I’m going to the grill where I might be able to have a cup of coffee and a few drinks of alcohol in piece. 

Leaving the house I jump into my favourite car a Silver Audi R8 driving to school was no problem, walking to the reception I met with the receptionist asking for my schedule which was quite interesting but apparently I have a better schedule than others leaving the reception I quickly find my locker, grabbing the books I need I make my way to home room noticing I was a few minutes late I knock on the door hearing a come in I walk towards the centre of the room I introduce myself to the class before sitting down next to Caroline and Matt. The lesson at last seemed to end and it was now lunch time and we are all sitting down outside since it was a nice sunny day, at the moment I am having a bet with Caroline and Tyler that I can’t do 10 walkovers then a round off so I simply said “ Watch and learn my young padwans” quoting Star Wars with a laugh I did the trick leaving a laughing Stefan and Matt and a gobsmacked Caroline and Tyler “ You have to join cheerleading, with that talent I’m surprised you haven’t gone to the Olympics,” Tyler said and Caroline squealed. The rest of the day the two of them pestered, annoyed and begged me to join cheerleading by the end of the day they had managed to bribe me into going and participating in training.

Bonnie had done a quick run through all the moves and stunts that they had been practising lately. By the end of training not only was I completely drained of energy but I actually enjoyed cheerleading and agreed to join cheerleading for a while.

There is the chapter guys and don’t forget 2 comments and 4 votes if you want the next chapter sooner. Love ya Twilight

The Immortal Original- Vampire Diaries/Klaus Mikaelson FanFic!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang