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I walked in with my head down, being sure not to make eye contact. In my pajama pants and ill-fitting hoodie I ran through the aisles, grabbing everything I needed. Grabbing things off the shelves willy nilly, not even looking at the prices or quality of what I was grabbing. I cautiously found my way to the self-checkout, I thought I was safe. Suddenly, I hear it. The thing I've been dreading for the past 7 minutes, the six words that could tear me appart and throw off the whole balance of the universe. "Hey, I knew I saw you!" I turn slowly, and look at this dreadful, despicable human who does not understand apparent social adequate. I smile, and understand what my life will become for the next 30 seconds.

Small talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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