Friends ?

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Calum was my best friend he was the only one who accepted me. Let's say I wasn't normal. He was the one that helped me through tough times. He was and still is my anchor but in a friend way you know. We were that type of friends who cuddled and flirted all the time but it never meant anythig. A lot of people thought we were an item but when in reality we were just bloody close.

Tonight was my mental breakdown night, so I called Calum to come to mine so that we can talk but mostly cuddle. I needed a cuddle. He came through the door and we greeted each other. "Can we talk for a bit?" I asked cautiously. "Always!" Calum said and sat down opposite me on the bed. "I hate my life! Why do I have to be the weird kid! I hate it, like really! I just wanna kill everybody! I hate me..." my voice cracked and I bawled my eyes out. Calum instantly hugged me whispering stuff to calm me down a bit. "Hey look at me. I brought my laptop. Netflix and chill?" Calum asked. I agreed.We watched loads of Disney movies and cuddled.

I felt Calum looking at me in the middle of Lion King. "Enjoying the view." I said winking at Calum. "Actually yes. Uuhmm I gotta te- no no no shut up Calum !" Calum randomly said. "What?" I asked eager to know what he had to say. "Fine, I-I sorta, kinda like you... " Calum said looking down. "What?" I asked shocked surely we sometimes flirted but I never thought he was mostly meaning half of those flirtatious jokes. "I knew it!" I heard someone whisper awfully loud. Calum sighed and yelled out "Really, mum! We can hear you!" When did Calum's mum get here ? And what did she clearly know? I thought. "Oh goodness! What? Calum, what do you mean?" Mrs. Hood saying innocently. "Oii.." Calum said shakimg his head with a wide grin on his face.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" Calum said quietly looking at me in the eye. "Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes." I heard mrs. Hood whisper to herself. "It depends where to?" I asked and mrs. Hood sighed. "Park, we ca have a picnic!" Calum said. "Will I get ice cream?" I asked. "Yeah.." Calum said worry clear in his voice. "Well then I'm sold! Pick me up at three tomorrow!" I said excited for our little date!


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