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Jade's POV

We finally got home and I was so tired..I mean me and Jesy basically stayed up all night watching Perrie give birth to baby Cece.

"Jade, are you okay?" Leigh asked.

"Yeah I'm fine why?"

"It's just that you were staring at something."

"Oh no I'm  just tired. And I was thinking about Perrie."

"Oh well we know she's fine. She's resting up now." Leigh added.

"I'm gonna go to a club. I have to get my mind off of Perrie for a little while."

"Don't you care about her?" Jesy said sounding like she was offended.

"I do. I'm just worried about her. I'll be back in a few hours."

Jesy and Leigh nodded and I walked out the door. I put on my shades and hat so the paparazzi wouldn't see me. I walked passed them and seemed to ignore me. I accidents dropped my phone while I was taking my keys out.

"Oh shit." I said out loud. One of them turned around.

"It's Jade from Little Mix! Jade where are you going?"

"No where. Leave me alone."

"Where are the others?" Another one asked.

"Somewhere. Don't try to find them." I started to run away from them because I was getting tired of them.

"Jade wait!" One said. I just kept running and ignored them. I got to my car, unlocked it, got in a drove away.

I put on the radio and the first song that came on was our single Black Magic!

"Okay, now it's tiiiiime to play," the radio person said, "Black Magic by Little Mix!"

I nearly shrieked of how great Black Magic was doing in the UK! It was amazing! We have been Number #1 on the top charts for nearly 3 weeks now!


I got to the club I was going too and there were more paparazzi.

"Jade! Jade! Who are you here with?" One person asked.

"No one. Can I please get through?" I asked politely.

"Where are the other girls?" He asked.

"At home. Can you please move?" I asked again getting tense.

"One more question, how is Perrie doing with the baby?"

How did he find out about that? Oh right, they're everywhere.

"She's fine! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled annoyed as fuck.

They finally moved and stomped into the club. I've been there multiple times so they know who I am.

I can just walk in anytime without an ID.

"Hello Jade. Here alone?" The manager asked.

"Yup. Again. I have to get my mind off of something." I said, "Can I get my usual?"

"Sure. Aye yo! Get this pretty little lady her usual!" He yelled across the table.

"Coming right up." The young lady said before she scurried off to the bar.

"How are you Jade?" He asked.

"I'm alright." I said as the waitress came back with my drink.

"Thank you." I said and smiled.

"You're welcome." She as and walked away fast.

I took a sip of my drink and I felt a burning sensation.

"Ah!" I screamed out loud. It burned more than usual.

"Anything wrong?" A man said. I couldn't quite see him because my eyes were still closed from me swallowing the drink.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Thanks." I said waving him off. I could tell it was a man because of his voice. It was deep..maybe Australian?

"Are you sure? I can stay if you want me too." And he took a seat anyways.

"Alright." I said finally being able to see him.

"Hi." He smiled and said once he saw my eyes.

"Uh, hi." I said shyly. He's kinda hot though.

"Haha hi. I'm Ashton."

"Hi Ashton, I'm Jade." Okay he's really cute! He looks about my age.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 22. How old are you?"

"Same! Haha! What are you doing here by yourself?"

"I came to get my mind off of something."

"Oh. Same. I need to get my mind off of something too."

"Cool." I said not knowing what to do.

"Wanna dance?" He asked nervously.


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