The Three Musketeers

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"The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away." 

- Barbra Kingsolver

"Ed," I glance at my friend annoyed that I'm sitting in front of Oswald's bar and not in Bruce's arms.

"We need a plan," he explains, rolling his eyes.

"I should tell Bruce," I unbuckle my seat belt, Edward does the same.

"Why would we do that? What could that playboy do? We could call Batman. I kind of don't want him knowing me. Oswald would feel the same way."

"What are you two planning on starting a life of crime?" I raise my eyebrow at him. I wouldn't put it past the two of them. They are both very smart. A whole new set of worrying will now have to go with that idea.

"Well Jonathan did it and I never saw that coming," he scoffs. I glare at him.

"Scarecrow had a lot to do with it."

"Cassandra," he laughs a little. "I know you want to make Jonathan seem like he's oh so innocent but he isn't. It's still his mind. It's still his body." I shake my head with vigor.

"You don't understand."

"I do understand that you are in love with him so of course you are going to try and see the best in him always. You have to understand, there are monsters in all of us."

"Batman doesn't know what I look like without my mask anyway," I smoothly lie.

"Exactly, fill him later. Now come on," he opens his door and I follow suit after taking out the eye color contacts.

I walk into the bar, its cold air hitting my skin and causing goosebumps.

"Edward what are you...?" Oswald starts but stops when he sees me. "My dear," he comes around the bar and hugs me closely.

"I'm fine. I'm safe. Don't worry about me," I smile at him pulling away.

Edward rolls his eyes and goes to grab a drink from behind the bar. Both Oswald and I turn our heads and glare at him.

"Don't you dare," we say at the same time. Eddie smirks at the two of us, backing away slowly from the alcohol.

"Thanks Mom and Dad," he sits down at the bar in annoyance.

I turn back to Oswald, rolling my eyes at the child like personality Edward sometimes has.

Oswald starts to laugh, simpering as he walks away from us and up to his office where I follow. Edward pushes himself off the bar stool and follows.

"Why was that funny?" He asks Oswald. I generally wondering myself and don't say a word. This brings a harder laugh to escape Oswald lips.

"Cassandra has a type. I find it very assuming that everyone she has dated are also interconnected."

"It isn't on purpose," I whine a little bit.

Oswald opens up his office door, his laughter dying down.

He holds his hand up as he takes to his desk, standing behind it with his hands folded. Edward closes the door with a soft click.

"I want everything explained in this room. We are the only three who are going to know everything until we have a clear plan."

"Where do you wanna start Penguin?" Edward rolls his eyes, already stressed out by the whole idea.

"Why are you wearing that costume?" Oswald points to me. "Why has Edward suddenly made an appearance back into all of our lives?" He rolls his eyes. "I thought Jonathan and I got rid of you." Edward flips him off. I slap his hand in anger. "What's going on with this Alice girl? Who is she?"

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