Chapter 30- Every Bad Boy needs a Good Girl. Every Good Girl needs a Bad Boy

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A://N This is taking off from last chapter

Chapter 30- Every Bad Boy needs a Good Girl. Every Good Girl needs a Bad Boy.

"No! No! River Stop! I said as I ran out of my room and he chased after me.

I ran down the grand staircase and he chased after me and laughed.

I ran into the kitchen and everyone stared at me weirdly as River chased me around the kitchen table.

"Tatum! River"! My mom yelled.

I jumped up on top of the marble granite island.

My bare feet touch the cold top of it.

"Tatum Aurora Crawford"! My mom yelled.

I pointed at River and say "He tried to locking me in the hall closet" I defended.

All the guest chuckled and my mom and Marie rubbed their temples.

"River Benjamin Lockwood" Marie scowled "Leave Tatum alone"!

River put his hands in surrender "She threw a textbook at my face"!

I smirked to myself.

"And who may they be"? A women asked.

My mom answered "This is Tatum; my middle daughter. And this is River. Now Tatum get off the island"!

I sighed and jumped off and stumbled but caught my balance.

"What a cute couple they make"! A women commented and people agreed.

My eyes widened and I pointed to River "This A*swhole"?!

My mom eyes widened "Tatum!".

River put a hand over his heart and pretended to act hurt "Aww Babe, that really stung".

"You're dead Lockwood" I said glaring at him.

Marie said "Enough you two! Go upstairs"!

We both turned around and ran up the stairs pushing and pulling each other down.

We both made it into my room.

Jake and Luke were playing on my Xbox and Beth was on my laptop.

I plopped down next to Beth on my bed and River joined the guys.


<^> River Lockwood POV <^>

"Tatum! River!" I heard Liz yell from downstairs.

It was probably 3 A.M. and everyone passed out.

I stood up from the Tatum's couch; I was sleeping in and walked over to Tatum; who was in her bed.

Beth and Tatum slept in her bed. Luke and Jake were on the floor and I slept on the couch.

She looked so peaceful went she was hitting or punching me.

I knelt down to her and her eyes were shut and lips were parted as she slept on her side.

"Tatum" I whispered.

She opened her eyes.

"Our moms want us" I said.

She sighed and sat up and stood up.

We both walked downstairs.

My mom and Liz were both cleaning up in the kitchen and everyone left.

My Ex Bad Boy Best Friend (NOT EDITED) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now