Chapter 3- Bill's enigma

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I had a free block in class and instead of doing homework I wrote 1,300+ words for you guys. Enjoy!

Bill was enamoured, and hell bent to treat him well. Something about this kid was intoxicating and he didn't know what. Bill normally hated humans, especially the ones with disabilities. They where usless even by human standards. But this kid had somehow captured his attention, and his heart. Initially he was fascinated by this kids dreams, and how even though he hadn't ever seen anything he dreamed both in color and vision. And exactly how his dreams where incredibly accurate to real life, was an enigma to Bill. Oh, how bill loved his enigmas.
Gideon had summoned him, asking him if he could find the way to the mystery shack, and Mabel's heart. He quickly found the deed to the shack in stand mindscape, and found that Mabel wouldn't date Gideon until he was taller, thinner, and nicer. She also had a huge priority for her brother, despite the paranoia she had developed due to the creatures of the forest. She was due to blow up at him due to stress any moment. When he saw dipper through her memories he first thought that the human was cute by male standards. The way Mable dressed him helped also, he was very cute. Bill snuck into his mindscape, and he loved the way dipper interpreted the world, how even though he knew about the creatures of the forest he figured that they wouldn't hurt him without due cause. How naive. How cute. How easy it would be to pick him up when Mabel blew up at him. He was already upset over the call Stan had with his parents.
Bill brought his findings to Gideon, the stout human was enraged that bill didn't give him the combination for the safe, that wasn't part of the deal. The kid quickly paid the debt of a liter of puppies. Bill decided that instead of killing them all he'd keep them. The puppies would help him gain favor with dipper.
He headed to the forest, puppy basket in hand. He used some of his magic to summon a modern two story house. He finished it and got two big kennels for the six pups. He stocked the house with dog food, human food, clothes, and a dresser drawer filled with American cash. Over a million in twenties and fifties. He then shifted into a human form, and decided the the age his human form normally took, 21, would be too old for courting the blind child. Human standards of age baffled him, but he nonetheless made himself younger in an attempt to comply, sixteen was a valid age for the four year difference rule common among these odd beings.
He walked around the place, making sure every detail was up to his expectations. He then moved out side, clearing the surrounding area. He had made his house close to a river, so he attached a pipe to it, underground, so the house had a source of fresh water. He also created a fence, an garage, a truck, and a generator, the last two being placed into the garage. He also put a medium tank into the garage for the gas the generator and the truck needed.
He walked back inside and feed the puppies. They seemed to like him. He gave them all collars, and put names on all the tags. Sarah, Jane, Jerome, Ryan, Anthony, and Keith. Good enough. He didn't really care about the puppies names but he wanted them to not seem suspicious to the human. He took the young pups out side and played with them a bit. He had summoned some toys and ran around with them. They where energetic and enthusiastic, the huskies. Just a few hours after noon the pups where tired from the days events. He picked them up and put them in their kennels.
He went for a stroll, after placing charms of safety upon the house. After around fifteen minutes of wandering around in his human form he heard sniffle. He carefully approaches the sound to find dipper, back against a pine tree crying and exhausted. Bill walked towards dipper slowly. He sat in front of the boy, making sure not to touch him, that could scare him.
"Hey, pine tree, whats wrong?" Be asked, mentally slapping himself for calling him after the tree above.
"Pine tree?" The boy responded whipping his face.
"You're sitting under a pine tree," Bill replied sheepishly.
"Who are you?" Dipper asked suspiciously.
"My name is Bill, I live a fifteen minute walk away, with my puppies," Bill said. Dipper gave a small hum, and Bill couldn't tell if he believed him or not. "Whats wrong? Are you hurt? Where'd you come from?" Dipper sighed be for he replied.
"My entire family either hates the fact that I'm around, or thinks that I'm faking being blind. So I left. I needed a break from them."
"That sounds tough. Hey... do you want to come back to my place untill you feel better about going home?"
"I don't know..."
"Aw, come on, pine tree! The pups would love you! I've got muffins!" He said childishly. Dipper laughed a bit, a small smile playing at his lips. Bill could almost feel his heart jump that he got that much from him.
"Sure, man. Can I... spend the night too?" Dipper said nervously.
"Of course, pine tree! Uh... sorry you never told me your name."
"Oh! Sorry, its Dipper." He said blushing slightly. It took alot of self control to stop Bill from saying something along the lines "adorable". Bill stood up and waited for Dipper to get up also.
"Do you want to hold my hand or something? Or are you good with just following me?" Bill asked trying to be considerate if the kids blindness.
"I'll follow you" He replied. Bill lead the way, and was surprised by how well he could follow. It came to him that dipper was probably more self sufficient then Mabel would let him be.
They soon reached the house and he oppened the gate. Dipper walked through and soon came up to the front door. Bill opened it began to give Dipper the grand tour. He told dipper where things where and warned him if he was about to hit something. He introduced him to the puppies, who where mostly sleeping except for Jerome and Ryan who where happy to let Dipper pet them. As the afternoon turned to night Bill made pancakes for dinner. He wasn't all that good, but Dipper drowned them in syrup and ate them regardless.
"Hey Bill?" Dipper asked after Bill had rinsed the dishes and put them in the washer.
"Yeah, pine tree?" Bill asked.
"Can I use your shower?" He said.
"Sure, I told you where the bath room is, the cylinder bottle with the twist cap is shampoo, the bottle squeeze bottle that stands on its cap is conditioner and the soap bar is on the soap thing," He said
"Thanks, I'll go do that."
"You want me to see if I have any old clothes around for you?"
"If that's okay, I mean I don't want to steal your stuff."
"Nah, if it fits you it doesn't fit me."
"Alright, thanks." Dipper said. Bill ran off to "find" some clothes. He made a white T-shirt and some shorts for the kid, along with socks. He didn't make underwear, "old" underwear was gross by human standard, and he didn't really understand the concept of it to begin with.
He gave the clothes to Dipper before he showered, and sat in the couch, flipping through the TV channels. The puppies seem anxious to run around, so he let them. Sharah and Keith decided to watch TV with him while they rest went to other areas of the house. He has used magic earlier to make sure they was house trained. So there where no accidents. Dipper excused him self to bed after the shower. An hour later Bill rounded up the pups, put them in the kennels, and wandered off to bed.

Bill wondered how long his enigma would stick around.
He hoped it would be more than just the night.

Hello children! I've got a tumblr now the URL is thehetaawesomebox and the blog title is box tales There you can find important news about this type of stuff, ask questions, and make requests! You can ask about current and upcoming projects, and its a place for all of my creationy goodness!

I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next chapter!

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