Mirror, Mirror

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Chapter 31
Mirror, Mirror

Link stumbled, his stomach churning as the world came back into focus. A dizzying blur of green and brown replaced the brilliant white of the portal, and the familiar fragrance of spring blossoms replaced the suffocating fumes of Death Mountain. The world continued spinning, Link struggling to stand as everything swayed like a leaf caught in a tempest. He was going to be sick.

Link clenched his jaw against the rising nausea and looked up as the forest came into focus. The unsettling blur of colours steadily became more solid, revealing shapes that morphed into trees, stone, and greenery. He tried to remember Sheik's lessons.

Control your breathing...

In and out, Link told himself, taking a deep breath. The air felt cool and fresh, a welcome relief from the blistering heat and desolation of the Fire Temple.

The brief respite was short-lived, for no sooner had they arrived than a loud terror-filled scream pierced the meadow, startling Link into action as his hand reached reflexively for his sword. His head throbbed as he spun around, looking for the source of the disturbance as the Gorons standing around him tensed.

A Kokiri girl stood by the stairs leading to the Forest Temple. She was pointing at the Gorons, her eyes wide.

Eira, Link realised. One of Fado's friends.

"I'll handle this," Navi offered, leaving Link's side.

The girl wasn't alone. One of the know-it-all brothers (Link couldn't tell which) and Forenz were with her, the white garments of their captivity now gone, replaced by tunics of green and brown that easily blended in amidst the trees. They both looked at Link, and then each other, as wondering just wondering, "What's he up to this time?"

Forenz looked from Goron to Goron, more bewildered than afraid. He placed a hand on Eira's shoulder. Link didn't hear what Eira said, but she still took a step back, nearly colliding with Forenz.

"It's all right!" Navi called, reaching the startled group. "It's just us." Navi seemed to realise that the Kokiri were still goggling at the Gorons. "These are Gorons. Don't worry, they're friends!"

Mori flew from Forenz's side, looking thoroughly convinced she was seeing things.

Link meanwhile realised that most of the Kokiri had probably never seen a Goron. He noticed the burly mountain dwellers were still holding their weapons and recalled how terrified he had been when he first encountered Darunia. On the other hand, Darunia had been busily punching holes in the wall of his chambers.

"Jemite, tell the others to lower their weapons," Link whispered urgently.

"What? Oh... right," with a sheepish grin, Jemite turned to the others, nearly smacking his hammer into Link in the process.

Forenz relaxed, his mouth twitching in an amused smile. The other two Kokiri remained tense, their eyes wider than dinner plates.

"Are you always going to make such a dramatic entrance?" Forenz asked, his grin broadening. Walking towards the dais, he looked from Link to the Gorons, and Link didn't miss the flicker of wariness in his eyes or the way his steps slowed. "Who are your friends?"

"They're from the mountains north of here," Link explained. "They won't be staying long. I'm sorry if we startled you."

"I better start getting used to it," Forenz replied. It was a relief to see some of his old humour returning. Stopping a few feet from the dais, he took in the sight of Link's injuries. "What did you beat up this time? Or should I ask who was doing the beating?"

"Just a dragon," Navi told him, and Forenz's jaw nearly dropped.

Forenz blinked. Staring. Then, a wide grin split his face. "Wait, you actually did it?"

Link mustered a tired smile, "I did." He couldn't hide the weariness, not with the way his body ached.

"I'd like to hear how," Forenz said, sounding awed. He looked ready to clap Link on the arm since his shoulder was no longer an option, but he relented. "Should we get Brynn to light a cookfire?"

Mori whispered something, and Forenz turned to the others. "It's okay. Eira, why don't you and the others go back inside?" His smile faltered as he caught Link's eyes. "Some of them are still having nightmares, Eira too." He watched his companions disappear inside. "It's not been easy."

"I'm not surprised," Navi offered, her face pained. Link swallowed a sudden lump in his throat and looked away. Knowing the others were still suffering made his injuries seem trivial. At least his wounds would heal easily, but theirs? He didn't know how long that would take.

Seeing Link's crestfallen look, Forenz offered him a smile again, but it didn't quite meet his eyes. "Not the best homecoming, huh?"

He almost sounded apologetic, as if wishing he hadn't mentioned the torment the others were still facing

"It's fine," Link said with a shake of his head.

"Don't beat yourself up," Navi whispered. "You did what you could."

Link managed a weak smile, although it felt more like a grimace. A rumble of voices behind him left him with no chance to brood. The Gorons huddled close together, eyes wide as they took in the unfamiliar trees.

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