Chapter 16

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The human heart is a fascinating contraption, capable of incomprehensible feats both of the biological and emotional kind. This ironically hollow organ is proficient of pumping four litres of blood around the entire human body in one solitary minute; in one measly lifetime a single heart will beat approximately two and a half billion times. The word 'cardiac' means 'related to the heart' but is that word applicable when it comes to sentimental affairs? Can a person experience cardiac issues that are caused by emotional concerns? Would the aorta react to the loss of a loved one the way it would to a heart attack?

The searing pain that renders the once beating muscle to a complete stand still; would the fading force literally bleed love or would the waning sentiments have been long forgotten over the course of time? But what if just before the very moment death claimed the static structure it was somehow revived by some miraculous stroke of fate? Would the once inhabiting emotions return with each new breath and heartbeat or would the person be forced to live again without the knowledge of love as if it had never existed or as if they had never experienced it?

Itachi had once thought that the only type of love he had experienced was the love of his brother; that the only sentiment he ever felt was reservedly for Sasuke and would never be reciprocated in this lifetime. But he had come to terms with that fact at a very young age; ever since his fate had been sealed Itachi knew that that was the only type of love that he was due to cross paths with. Yet life had a peculiar way of throwing a spanner into the works. When life had tied Reina Hitori to his person he never procured the foresight to see how their relationship would impact him so profoundly.

For the briefest of glimpses Itachi felt what it was like to be truly accepted, to not feel judged or constantly scrutinised; for the most fleeting of moments he felt what it was like to be free. Then she had been taken away from him as quickly as she had been flung into his life and he didn't know what to do. For the first time in his measly life he felt lost and the brief moments of loving warmth were extinguished, leaving his heart cracked with the feeling of a love lost.

Any pleasant ideal was soon ripped away from him as the harshness of reality invaded his senses mercilessly and brought him back to the dank veracity he was rendered in. The entire cave-way stank of burnt flesh mixed in the putrid dampness that surrounded him; with what little life force he had left he peered into the darkness, the Amaterasu flames continuing to eat away at what was left of the ōmukade. The moment Reina had fallen into the shadows in pure rage the deadly flames had sprung from his eyes devouring the oncoming creature into nothing but mere morsels of decaying flesh and bone.

Itachi lay against the cool rock of the cave wall, the droplets of falling water momentarily cooling his raging emotions; he was on empty and his body was shutting down slowly, organ by organ. He knew he had overdone it, every ounce of chakra had been used in pure anger against the screeching creature and now he knew he was close to death. His breathes became laboured and raspy as his lungs attempted to regain the sheer amount of oxygen he had lost in the encounter; with each breath his vision became more and more hazy back to what it was like before the indenture.

With what little light that managed to enter the sallow tunnel Itachi saw a shadowed figure walking towards him, the light and his lack of visual perception making it difficult to see if it was friend or foe. The shrouded figure drew nearer and nearer until their robes were pressed up against the blade tip of Itachi's katana; his weary body just about managing to grip the hilt of the sword, it wavering like his strength. The person did not immediately react to the deadly weapon pressed against their chest instead a quiet smile appeared on their lips before they gently took hold of the blade and moved it away slowly.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Itachi muttered squinting his crimson orbs up at the cloaked individual, the katana clattering to the floor noisily whilst he attempted to straighten his slouching form. Gradually the figure knelt before him, it now apparent to Itachi that the person was male, an elderly one at that; the now identified person reached into their kimono robes pulling out a small, polished wooden flask.

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