(1) Mallowbrook

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I stared out the passengers window as we drove to our new home. Of course, I never did want to move but, I always listened to my mother. No mater what. If she wanted to move, I wouldn't argue.

Why I don't argue is because of my 'dad'. Well, I don't know him but, mother would sometimes bring him up. After she talked about him a bit, she would burst out into tears. So, I blame him.

My mom's name is Carol, Carol Counter. My father, Thomas Counter. I don't know if 'Counter' is his last name or not, but it doesn't really matter.

Cold wind blasted onto my face as my mom rolled the windows down, making my hair blow into my face. I grabbed a ponytail from my handbag and tied my wavy hair back.

"When are we going to get there?" I asked, sighing afterwards. My mothers eyes stayed on the road.

"We are almost there! Why, getting tired already from our four hour trip?" She smiled. I gave a small smile back and looked down at the town that was drawing near.

As we entered the town there was a concrete sign that said 'Welcome to Mallowbrook!' In fancy letters. Trees and wild flowers covered the ground as we drove on, coming across a neighborhood.

A couple people walked their dogs on the side walks while some rode their bike along the curb of the street. I looked down at my hands when someone stared at our car as it drove by.

I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath as I leaned back in my seat. We passed several houses before stopping at a nice vintage looking one. It was a creamy yellow with dark grey shingles that lined the roof.

I was cute, I'll give it that. But, there are a couple things that needed to be fixed. Like, the lawn, the driveway, the front door and the dead flowers that curled beside the house.

I gave mom a skeptical look, "What?! I like it!" She laughed, grabbing a couple boxes. I grabbed my things as mom threw the front door keys towards me. I caught them with my spare hand, walking up to the door , unlocking and opening it.

The place had a wide, long hall way that lead to a kitchen along with spiral stairway and living room at the end. The kitten had a small bar and connected with the living room. Up stairs held tow bedrooms and one bathroom along with a small sunroom that held doors to a vanity that has a great view of the backyard I never knew we had.

I picked the smaller room with a single bed because, well, of course I want my mom to have the best. I set my things down on the dark purple covers of my bed and went to go get some more boxes.

Once everything was inside and unpacked it was around 11:30 PM. I yawned as I hung a picture of a beautiful forest. Honestly, it was a beautiful sight. It seemed as if it was under water with rays of the sun casting thought it.

"Rebecca! I'm going to bed. Good night!" I mom called down the hallway.

"Ok, see you in the morning! Good night!" I replied before shutting off the lights.

I got into bed and stared out the window, looking around at the neighborhood I now live in. A group of five people caught my eye, they looked like rebels or punks from what I can tell. Two women and Three men.

They laughed as they strut down the sidewalk. I got closer to peer out to them.

One girl caught my attention, she was tall and had long blonde hair with highlights and a head band with a polka-dot bow on top. I couldn't see her eyes because for some reason she wore shades.

She looked over at my house and pointed at it, catching everyone's attention. They started to talk about something before walking off again.

I relaxed as they were out of my sight and slipped back under the sheets and comforter, getting comfy before slowly falling to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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