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As much as it pained Eleanor to admit it, Fred and George were right when they claimed to be good at Potions, in fact, they were excellent. Every night, since their agreement made in the library, Eleanor would meet up with them and work diligently as they helped her remember necessary ingredients and instructions for specific potions. And Eleanor wasn't the only one who benefitted from their help as Harry and Ron joined them a couple of nights in a row as well.

However, after hours of trying to cram as much as she could, Eleanor could feel the exhaustion settling in. She thought about calling it an early night, in hopes of hanging out with Marnie and Cedric in the Common Room, but at the last minute, Harry and Ron came in without Hermione once again.

Fred had explained that Ron and Hermione had been on icy terms since Ron's rat had gone missing, more than likely killed by Hermione's cat, Crookshanks. Eleanor had seen the male kneazle mix around the castle, he was a giant fluffy orange cat, that seemed to explore the grounds on his own time. And while Eleanor could understand why Ron would be upset over the possible death of his pet, ignoring Hermione wasn't going to bring Scabbers back by any means. However, she was not going to get in the middle of the feud, as it was none of her business really.

"Aww, is wittle Ellie getting tired?" Fred teased after Eleanor let out another yawn. He went to pat the top of her head, only to jerk his hand back as she attempted to bite him.

"We've been studying for hours today," she said, placing her chin on the table. "I'm surprised I've lasted this long, but if it means anything to you, I've learned quite a bit. I'm feeling more confident in my Potion-making abilities."

"I'm surprised too," Ron said to her, "I didn't think Fred and George would make decent mentors."

"You and me both."

"Speaking of which," Ron turned to his brothers, "why haven't you two ever offered to help me in any of my classes?"

At the risk of Fred not telling Ron it was because he wasn't a pretty girl that he was interested in, Fred leaned back in his chair and let out a small laugh.

"You never asked us."

Eleanor raised a brow at his response. "Technically, I didn't have to ask, you two offered-"

Suddenly, George placed his hand over Eleanor's mouth to silence her, while Ron glared at his siblings and Harry chuckled to himself after they were all exposed. She playfully grabbed George's hand and gave it a hard squeeze, causing him to yelp and pull it back. And quickly, the study session turned out to just spending time in the library talking back and forth.

It was a nice way for Eleanor to be filled in pertaining to the events revolving around Sirius Black. Since she couldn't remember the last time, she and Cedric had sat down together to go over the latest castle gossip, Eleanor could only rely on rumours. But it seemed plenty of rumours turned out to be true, such as the one of Sirius Black making his way into the Gryffindor Tower and attempting to attack Ron, while the boy was in his bed. She had let out a little squeak when she was told of the details, but what reason did the killer have going after Ron?

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