CHAPTER FOUR - Rise Of The Wolf Lord

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"It's been a very long time since I saw you last," said the aging female satyr in front of Henry.

"Yes, it has," replied Henry. "You're looking very well, Miss Yoshida. Timber, this is my fifth-grade teacher."

"It's so good to meet you," said Timber, shaking the woman's hand.

"And you. You've grown tall, Henry," said Miss Yoshida. "Let's go and have a seat in the history classroom." She, Timber, and Henry walked into the nearest classroom and Timber looked around. It was colorful, clean, and well-decorated. Timber smiled at Henry and sat down at a desk. "Tell me, how is your life these days?"

"Well, I teach eleventh and twelfth-grade history, I'm married to this beautiful woman and I have a tight circle of very supportive and loyal friends who have accepted me and what I am."

"It sounds like you found quite a good life outside of Haven," said Miss Yoshida. "I always thought that you would end up teaching somewhere. You have a natural gift for leadership and you were always a very good student. At least when you were not in trouble for correcting me in front of the class. I enjoyed teaching you."

"Do you still teach?" asked Timber.

"No, this last school year was it for me," said Miss Yoshida. "My eyesight is not what it used to be. I can barely see the chalkboard and telling my students apart was becoming a challenge so I retired. So, I was told that you left Haven. What are you doing back?"

"I was having complications with my wolf and I needed help from Lord Frost," said Henry.

"Have you been back to the south side of the island yet?" she asked.

"No. I only just got in last night and much of my time has been spent inside the castle."

"It has changed a lot. There have been no battles, no raids, and no open threats. There are squabbles, and fights but nothing so bad that the children need to be evacuated into the Keep. The rest of Haven is now just as safe as Heiligdom. Everything has been rebuilt. The teachers find it easier to watch over their students."

"I'm very happy everything is safe now," said Henry. "I hope you don't think me rude but I would like to explore more before nightfall. My friends are coming tonight."

"Of course. I'm so sorry, but you never told me your name," said Miss Yoshida.

"Timber Santelli. My maiden name is Brogan."

Miss Yoshida smiled gleefully.

"I knew that would happen," she said happily. "Elizabeth Zanther was the sweetest girl I had ever met. When Timber came along, she was very much the same. Timber would come and sneak inside the classroom and leave you marshmallows while you were at lunch. She was only four at the time. It started right after Christmas that school year. I lost track of how many times I shooed you out of the room. You were always very polite about it, even if you glared at me first."

Timber and Henry laughed.

"I remember the marshmallows," said Henry. "I remember never finding out where they came from. She still gives me the last marshmallow out of the bag when we have them. Though she won't remember leaving them for me. She doesn't have any memories of Heiligdom. She only remembers the Meadow and the small patch of dense woods to the north." Henry got to his feet. "It was wonderful to see you again. I should get going."

"Goodbye Henry. It was so nice to see you again, too, Timber."

Henry bowed his head and they left the school smiling. Timber and Henry walked all over the small city. They crossed small bridges, went up and down sloping roads and children ran passed laughing, through beautiful stone arches, and up and down stone steps. They passed flower gardens, bird baths, and small water fountains. Henry told her about every shop and all of his memories. He told Timber about the corners of the world Lord Frost pulled inspiration from and how you could feel like you were in London one second and turn the corner and feel like you were in Italy in a different time. They even chased each other playfully through the bailey and the archery range near the entrance gates of the city. When the sun disappeared behind the tree line, they went back into the Great Hall of the castle.

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