Bill and The Disappearing Dipper.

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"All I'm saying is that humans suck." Bill murmured. Dipper's dreams had once been quite bright and sickening now they consisted of broken and shadowed lands. Much more comfortable for a demon from the nightmare realm. "All this talk of trust and love and it's forgotten and cast aside so easily." Dipper sat on an old and rusted swing set that creaked as he moved. He hadn't said anything during Bill's latest visit to his dreams. "You're kinda quiet today Pine-Tree." Dipper looked up at Bill.

"I made Wendy cry today." He mumbled. "She only wanted to try and patch things up with me and Mabel."

"Yeah but I bet she only cared about Mabel. Just like Stanford and Stanley. Haven't you noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"They only ask if you are okay when Mabel is hurt or crying." Cold reality set in and Bill saw a beautiful look of pain cross Dipper's face. "It's common with human twins, you know. One is more favourable. The other only gets attention when it will benefit the favourite."

"That's... Mabel is the favourite twin...?"

"That's right, Pine-Tree. You human's say we demons are cruel, but if you ask me-"

"Humans are worse."

"That's right, Pine-Tree. You're pretty smart for a human."


Stan was cornered in the kitchen by Wendy, Ford and Mabel. "Woah, is this an intervention?" He said jokingly.

"Something is seriously wrong with Dipper." Mabel said.

"Yeah, he's being unnecessarily jerky." Wendy agreed.

"While jerky is not the term I would use  I must agree with the girls." Ford added. "He seems highly troubled and distant."

"Puberty." Stan mumbled.

"It's not, this isn't okay Stan. His journal suggest he's-"

"Oh so now you're reading his journals too." Stan said cutting Ford off.

"I think a Dream Demon is making contact with him." Ford continued.

"Dream demon... Like Bill Cipher?" Mabel asked. Ford looked at her surprised.

"You've met Cipher?"

"Yeah. He invaded Grunkle Stan's mind once and even possessed Dipper." Mabel explained.

"This is more drastic than I thought. Where is Dipper?" Ford said.

"Upstairs, he's asleep."

"This isn't good, he could be talking to Cipher right now."


"My, my, they're reacting quicker than I thought." Bill sighed. Dipper looked up from his shoes.

"What? Who?"

"The other Pines and the red head. They've figured out you've been talking to me."

"Ford read my journal, I never mentioned you by name but a smart guy like him could probably figure it out. I have no privacy."

"Not good, they are coming to you now. If they get you I won't be able to contact you anymore. And believe it or not Pine-Tree I like talking to you."

"I actually like talking to you too..."

"I have an idea. Do you trust me?"


"Haha, that's the spirit Pine-Tree. Take my hand." Dipper looked at Bill skeptically.

"I'm not going to possess you or hurt you. I'm going to get you out of there before they can reach you." Bill said.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Pine-Tree, I'm not asking for a deal, just for you to take my hand. What else can you loose at this point?"

"...fine. Only because it could benefit me." Dipper reached out and grasped the triangles hand.


One second Dipper was there fast asleep, next second there was a flash of blue and a familiar shrill laugh and he was gone, his bed singed and smoking. She ran to his bed and found a burnt picture of him and her. "No! Dipper!" She screamed. "Grunkle Ford! Grunkle Stan! Where is he?! Where is Dipper!"


Dipper was awake, which meant Bill had no control over him now. But Bill could still talk to him. "You... You really didn't do anything bad." Dipper said patting himself down. Noting he still had all the journals.

"Of course not. What's the fun in that?" Dipper looked at him skeptically. "Hey eternity with no one on common ground gets kind of boring. Trust me."

"Not in your life time." Bill chuckled and floated over Dipper's head as he looked around. They'd teleported to the forest. Bill decided that was a great time to show Dipper a neat trick.

"Hey, Pine-Tree check it." He said taking on a new form. A human form. Dipper stared at him for a moment and then kept walking. "What no comment."

"You look exactly like if figured you would."

"Of course I do. I made this form with your subconscious in mind. Am I a good looking human?"

"I guess it depends on your preferences. I'll admit you look better like this than a corn-chip."

"Corn-chip?" Bill halted. "... I look like- Pine-Tree, do I really look like a corn-chip?!"



"That could be a nickname. You know. Like the ones you give humans."

"If you even try, I don't care if you're good conversation, I will kill you."

"Okay, Corn-Chip."

"Watch it Pines." The two laughed as they walked (well Bill still floated) deeper into the forest.

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