Growing Fond

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No one knew where her brother was, no one knew what to do. He brother. Had he made a deal with Cipher? Was he okay? Worry was practically making her pull her hair out. Her brother, her other half in the grips of that maniac. Again. She was so confused. Dipper had always stressed about how Bill couldn't be trusted. But twice now he'd been taken by the demon. Tears splattered on the table top, her throat was aching from holding back sobs of despair. She felt warm arms encircle her in a hug and she quickly turned and cried as Wendy tried to sooth her. But she was doing a lousy job, she felt like crying herself, Soos was busing himself with housework though even he was bawling. Stan was driving around town looking for his nephew and Ford was pouring every bit of energy he had into books about demons. But all his information on Bill was in the journals. "Wendy, is Dipper going to be okay?" Mabel wailed.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know." Wendy replied her voice breaking.


"Do you think they miss me?" Dipper asked sitting on a rotten log. "I mean it's been almost three days."

"Probably." Bill answered honestly however the next part wasn't as honest. "But I can't say for sure if it's you they miss or just the things you did for them." He was still in his human form

"What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. Everything you've done for each of them. You're a pretty generous human. How often do they repay you. Or even thank you." Dipper grimaced and Bill hid a smirk. His smirk faded when Dipper began to cry. "Pine-Tree... Hey, Dipper, don't cry, you got me."

"Did you call me Dipper?"

"Yeah... So." Dipper smiled.

"Thanks Corn-Chip."

"I thought we discussed this Pine-Tree."


"Could he have taken off into the forest? Dipper has befriended a few of the residential creatures." Wendy offered. They had exhausted almost every method of finding Dipper, Ford had even tried summoning Cipher.

"None of them like Cipher." Ford murmured. "They'd be able to tell Dipper is possessed."

"But... I don't know... What if he isn't possessed?" Ford looked up at Wendy, it had been an innocent enough question but it sent chills down his spine. Cipher was charismatic, likeable, he had a way of making you like him. Getting you to do what he wanted. If Dipper wasn't possessed he may be in even more danger than Ford originally thought.


"Pine-Tree?" He poked the young human and frowned when he didn't get a response. He poked again. A hand swatted him away.

"Sleeping..." Dipper mumbled.

"Oh, I'll just-" He received a hand in his face.

"Don't visit my dreams today please."

"But what am I supposed to do?"

"Sleep?" Dipper opened one eye a little to look at him.

"I don't sleep."

"Then lay on your back and contemplate life, I don't care, I just want to have a normal sleep okay?"

"...can I lay next to you?"

"I suppose so." Bill lay on the cool grass and stared at the sky for a while before looking at Dipper's relaxed form. Dipper said he didn't trust him but still he slept in the demon of dreams presence. And human's radiated heat, like laying next to a mini sun. He reached out and touched Dipper's hair noting its texture, he then touched his arm noting the warmth and texture of his skin. Human's felt so fragile. Yet he'd been outsmarted by this human and his sister a few times. He knew from experience that the human mind was a complex thing and that humans rarely used their brains to their full potential. He hadn't planned for any of this... He hadn't planned for Dipper. "Dude are you feeling my arm?" Bill withdrew his fingers.

"Sorry. Humans are so squishy. I couldn't help it." When he didn't receive a reply he guessed Dipper had fallen asleep as quickly as he'd woken up. "Humans are funny little things..." He mumbled turning his attention back to the cloud spotted sky. His expression turn into a sneer. "Funny, doomed little things."

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