Emily Dawson

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  The first month of the summer rolled by faster than I expected and the day for Will to take me for a week came. Although, I didn't imagine it being early in the morning...
   I was sleeping in my warm bed, feeling the sun hit my skin, but still refusing to rise and shine with it, when all of the sudden I heard my mother laughing loudly from the guests room. I knew that she and her friends didn't respect sleeping people after they wake up, so I decided to get up and do my morning routine.
   After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I walked downstairs to make myself breakfast. Since I was still sleepy and grumpy I was walking like a zombie, I even sounded like a zombie if someone dared to speak to me in such early hour.
"Good morning, sweetie." My mum said happily as I walked in the kitchen, from the guest room, since there was no wall to separate the rooms.
"Mmmmm..." I grunted for morning and opened the fridge to get the milk out. I took a glass and sip milk in it.
"Morning, Paige." The familiar husky voice made me turn around with wide open eyes and drop the glass on the floor. A crashing noise followed and milk was all over the floor including my bare feet.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I couldn't control my voice, so it came out like a shout, but I didn't care. He saw me in my worst appearance. I looked like a homeless person with nest on his head instead of hair.
"Paige!" My mom called out shocked from the way I reacted. But Will just laughed and came to me.
He looked very handsome, with white shirt and dark blue tie matching his pants. I tilted my head a bit backwards to look at him since he was taller than me and the next thing I knew was being picked up bridal style and sat on the table. I gave him a questionable look and he chuckled.
"You'll get your feet cut on the glass." I tried to run my fingers thru my hair but failed since it was messy, so I smiled goofly.
"When I said come and take me, I didn't mean at 8 a.m." I mumbled, still embarrassed from my appearance.
"Sorry..." Hearing the way he said it made me hate myself for offending him in some way.
"Paige, darling, why don't you go get yourself ready, I will clean the mess." Mum offered when she noticed how awkward I got. I quickly accepted her offer and jumped off the table and rushed to my room.
   When I was sure I looked like a human being I got downstairs and gave William my best apologetic smile I could make. Luckily, he replied with a smile. I went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast, without breaking anything this time and when I was done, we were ready to go. William was very polite and I could tell that my mum fell in love with him, and who wouldn't.
"Ready, Paige?" He asked as he took my hand in his.
"Ready." I took a deep breath and braced myself for the apparition.
   In few seconds we were standing in front of a mansion. My mouth dropped and I gave him a shocked look at which he laughed.
"Come on, I'll show you your room. Mother's at the garden, she can't wait to finally meet you." I blushed madly after hearing his words.
    My room was lovely, I felt like spending my whole time there and it had view to the garden, which was huge. I spotted a woman in a bright dress and white hat, picking up flowers.
"That's my mum." Will said as he came from behind me and saw where I was looking at.
"Well... what are you waiting for introduce me." I chuckled out and before I knew it I was pulled by the hand out of the room.
   The woman noticed our presence and smiled brightly at us.
"There you two are. The tea got cold, I didn't think it will take you so long to come back." Her voice was soft and kind. Her chocolate brown eyes were warm, I guess Will had his eyes from his father.
"So you are the lovely Paige that William was telling me all about." She smiled and reached out her hand to me.
"Lovely meeting you..." I didn't know how to call her.
"Call me Emily." We shook hands and she invited me at the little tea table.
I was looking around like a child in candy store, but she coughed to get my attention back to her.
"So Paige, you are a Muggle born."
"Mother!" Will spat at her and she raised her hands up in defeat.
"It's alright..." I felt a bit uncomfortable, but I decided to play it cool. "Yes... my father is a doctor."
"And what about your mother?"
"Uhmm... she's a house wife, she doesn't work." I started playing with my fingers from nerves.
She asked many questions about me and my family and when Will noticed I was starting to get very uncomfortable he decided to break the conversation.
"Well, mother since you know now even the blood type of Paige, I will take her for a walk in the garden if you don't mind." He stood up and I gladly followed his lead.
   The garden was amazing and so was the house, if only his mother wasn't talking to me like I was a street cat everything would be perfect, but you just can't have it all, I guess.

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