the black room

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Be john ====>

You wake up to see nothing but a black room . You glance around and hear dirk. " d-dirk is that you?" You stuttered out . " john? i thought i smelled you here. hey, can you see?". He asked . " well no....i'm human and we can't see in the dark as well....and i think my glasses fell off " you replied. " fuck man... we've been here for about 3 days " he coughed . Your stomach twisted up into a knot." we've been..... here .. for...3 days...? Where...? never mind." you feel your hands tied up and your legs as well but they're connected to the wall with some slack room so you shuffled some and turned over, getting your phone out of your pocket. " good they didn't take it! fuck... no signal..." you say thinking for a second before putting on the flashlight . Your jaw dropped when you saw. Dirk. He looked like he'd been beaten 10 different ways... A black eye, a bloody nose... He looked all kinds of messed up... " dirk... did they do that to you?" He nodded and just glanced away " i don't know where jake and dave are.....i hear them often ....well. jake......" a tear runs down his face " he yells stop stop take it out please no more get off ..." Dirk trembles with fear and anger . " you....don't....think that they?" He cuts you off " i know they did... i fucking know they did..... they've done it every fucking night so far..... they keep beating dave and i... but we don't give in. we don't scream... or yell... not gonna give them the satisfaction... we just take the hits, and i think they get upset at that we don't respond. " you didn't want to say anything so you both sit in silence for awhile . A few hours pass and soon you hear what sounded like someone getting beaten. You wondered, but heard a grunt that sounded like Dave's and you couldn't help but cry. Dirk saw and shuffled over to you, managing to hold you some . " it's my fault... it's all my fault..." you whimper out and cry even more . Dirk growls at the words "no, it's fucking not.. it fucking can't be.. you don't know any hunters other than jake, and he didn't do this " he rubs your back some trying to calm you . " my... My dad.. i was supposed to go home a week ago. he knew about jake's job and probably sent them after to find mmmeee " you cried out . Dirk paused for a bit and pets you " its not your fault, trust me." You cry hard " jake wouldn't be getting raped! You and dave wouldn't be beaten! " you yell and pulled away some " i ...i care for dave a lot and he probably doesn't even roll that way and and hes getting hurt because of me ! I cause problems wherever i go ! " . " JOHN remember what dave wanted to tell you before all this..." he said trying to calm you .. " yea...? what ..of it..." you said looking at him . " he was gonna confess to you...he really does love you.... that's why he won't blame you" you fell a small flutter in your heart but it's soon replaced with more pain . " hey dirk break my glasses now " he looked at you confused " why would i " you cut him off and yell " JUST do it " he nods and takes them and puts them on the floor and with his foot crushed them . You feel around for the broken glass pieces and find one just sharp enough to cut the rope around dirk and yours hands . You pick it up and shuffle over to dirk, starting to cut at the rope, and soon enough, cutting through it. dirk cheers " holy fuck man, that's like some sorta movie stunt !" He takes the rope off of his feet and comes over to you, removing it off of your hands and feet . " i know right i just thought of it didn't think it would work ! " you went to pull you up but the door to the room you both were in opens " hello~ boys were gonna have some fun tonight~"

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