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Come on kids lets go into our new house and get settled"ok mom"said Sylvia and Ava.Kids come on we got to set up the future and unpack the tv and all the stuff.also we have to get some food for the fridge"Mom where's dad gone to"down to the gym with his friends.Come on kids it's time for bed.ZzzzZ kids time to wake up and go to school "mom do we have to go to school today"yes because you wan't to get a good education and won't be a bum living in your moms basement your whole entire life.Kids daddies home' Hi daddy how are you today'Im fine how are you kids where good thanks for asking dad.Kids go down and get the blankets out of the washer and bring it up stairs.AHAHA mom and dad I just see a demon I think kids are you ok did it hit you no but my back really really hurts bad mom and dad can you check it out.OMG how did you do that mom I didn't that demon did not me mommy.Don't worry me and daddy will go look while you guys go and get your bus and don't miss the bus please so then daddy does not have to bring you up to school.

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