The voice

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   The next morning I woke up early and took a quick, refreshing shower before going downstairs.
    I was looking for something to eat when I heard steps come from behind me.
"Morning." I relaxed at the male voice and smiled to myself.
"Morning, Will." I turned around and saw his bare chest. He was nicely build and I found myself staring with wide eyes.
"Paige?" My eyes swiftly moved from his chest to his eyes and my cheeks burned from embarrassment.
"Sorry..." I whispered and sat on one of the bar chairs.
"So, are you ready to try your swimsuit?" He asked when he joined my side.
"Ready when you are." I winked at him playfully and he smiled.
During the breakfast he told me his mother won't be returning home for the next two days. Meaning, I could finally relax in this house.
   When we finished our meals we both got back to our rooms. I quickly got changed and rushed to downstairs where he told me to wait for him. I waited with a towel wrapped around my body and looked around the hall.
"You're fast." I heard someone say from upstairs and my attention turned at his direction.
"Nope... you're just too slow." I teased as he took the stairs.
   He led me to the room where the pool was. It looked amazing, they even had sauna room. I couldn't help but wonder what his parents worked. What amazed me was how kind he was for someone as filthy rich as him. For example Draco Malfoy was horrible even to the Slytherins who weren't rich enough.
"Are you just going to stand there or what?" William's tease pulled me out from my thoughts and I went to leave my towel.
I felt his eyes on me and I immediately felt uncomfortable. When he noticed that I wasn't removing my towel because of him, he looked away. I heard the water splash and saw how he swam under it. I quickly took the opportunity to get in without him being able to see my body. I sat on the edge of the pool and enjoyed the feeling of the water around my legs and then slid from my spot to fully enter the water. I swam to the middle of the pool and when I got my head out the water for air I searched for Will, but he wasn't anywhere around. And then I felt my back touching something warm and stiff. I turned around quickly and saw William smiling down at me.
"You look good." I bit my lip and thanked him for the compliment.
To break the awkwardness I slashed water at him and he gladly accepted the fight. We were laughing while trying to get the other surrender to the water attacks. I was so lost in the game that I didn't realize when did I get close to one of the walls of the pool, until my back hit it. I looked behind by instinct and when I realized that I was trapped I raised my hands in defeat.
"I surrender! Please, have mercy on me!" I chuckled out and he stopped splashing water at me. His wide smile turned into a smirk and he swam towards me. I was breathing heavily and fast, since I got tired during the fight, but when he got an inch away from me I stopped breathing for a second and looked up at him. He placed both of his hands on each side of me at the edge of the pool wall and chuckled.
"What's so funny?" I asked not sure what happened or what I did.
"You are." He leaned down and I felt how his body pressed on mine. "You look so scared every time I get close to you." I shook my head in protest, but didn't dare to say the lie out loud. "You think I am wrong?" He asked seriously and I shook my head, knowing that it was no use in denying it.
   He pushed himself from the wall and swam away from me. I stood there shocked. Why did he do that? I thought he was going to kiss me. Asking myself that question, made me wonder if I actually wanted to kiss him. I pulled myself out the water and walked to where I left my towel.
"Paige?" I turned around to look at him still in the water, looking at me with questionable expression on his face.
"I-I suddenly don't feel so well, I'll go rest in my room." I walked out quickly and took the stairs to my room. I lied. I was completely fine, it was just that I felt so guilty towards Fred. I pecked him last month and probably gave him some hopes, and right now I was spending time with Will at his house. I closed the door and went to the shower room, the warm water hit my skin and I relaxed to the feeling.
   I put on my lingerie just in time when I heard the door being opened swiftly. I turned around to see William closing the door while facing me. I quickly reached for my bed covers, but he was faster than me and he pushed me on the bed. His hands and legs were on both sides of me and his chest was moving up and down quicker than usual. His bare chest was touching my skin and I felt how my whole body shivered from the electricity that was going thru it.
"William?" I whispered, while my eyes were locked with his. We stared like that for a second or two before he pulled off me and without saying a word he left the room. I sat up on the bed and something in me was screaming to follow him and take the risk. But should I listen to that voice? 

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