Chapter Fourteen: Going Out

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This is the Fourteenth chapter of In too Deep. I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think, and if you think I should continue. :)

I would also like to apologize for any mistakes there might be, it's a work in progress, will try to fix them as soon as possible.



Stiles stumbled over a branch, for the second time and cursed under his breathe. It was only because Derek refused to let him turn on his flashlight, said it would attract to much attention. Though with all the tripping he was doing he's probably be better off with the flashlight. He clutched Derek's arm and walked closer to him , trying to be as quiet as possible. He could kind of see where he was going, from the light of the moonlight, that really didn't keep him from stumbling though. "Are we almost there?" he asked, talking about the nemeton, because they haven't even reach that yet. They'd they should start there and kind of just span out.

Derek nodded slightly, "Yeah, just a few more minutes" he said with a small smile helped try and guide Stiles, since he was the one who said no flash light.

Stiles stayed close to Derek, holding onto his arm as they walked he started thinking about the kiss again. "Derek?"

Derek looked at Stiles "Yeah..."

"About the kiss-" Stiles started, but stopped when he was interrupted.

"What about it?" Derek asked, thinking Stiles might regret it or something.

"What does it mean?" he asked and looked up at him. "I mean, does it mean we're... or that......" he said tailing off, not really sure where he was going with this.

Derek sighed softly, not really sure how to answer that, "I don't know.... let's not..." he said trailing off.

"Oh right..... no labels got it" Stiles said with a small smile, not sure how he felt about that.

Derek was going to say not talk about it right now, but the no labels things worked for him too. "Stiles calm down" he said and smiled down at the human, "You worry too much" he said and chuckled softly.

Stiles scoffed, "Yeah, I worry too much" he said sarcastically. "You sir are the king of worrying" he said and shook his head slightly.

"And here I thought I was the King of Fire" Derek said joking, but soon went quiet. "Shhhh, we're here" he said and a few moments later they walked into a clearing with the stump of the nemeton in the middle of it. He'd forgotten out big the thing was.

"Which was should we go first?" Stiles asked after a moment of looking at the nemeton.

Derek looked around before sniffing the air, "Let's go that way" he said and pointed before pulling Stiles in the direction he indicated. He thought he smelt something strange coming from this direction so he just kind of went with it. It smelt kind of familiar too so he thought it might be the Ahzi, the bestiary said it was supposed to have a distinctive smell, though he really hasn't seen evidence of that, not since the first night anyway.

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