Chapter 3: Love, Jealousy, and Hate.

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Ryun continued to stare at me with that seductive look.

We were alone in a room, just him and I.

I had a feeling that this won't end well..

"R-Ryun..! Please.. Be gentle."

Holy crap. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT I SWEAR! What do I do?!

Ryun licks his lips while he says,"Of course I'll be gentle for you master.."

He got closer than he was before.

What do I do?!!! I meant to say "Please go away" not "Please be gentle"!

He got closer and closer. While he was getting close, he unbuttoned his shirt.

I shut my eyes tightly because I didn't know what to do.

I honestly thought that I was done for..

I heard a knock on the door.

Thank you to whoever knocked!

It was Akeno.. You know things will get chaotic when Akeno's around.

She yelled,"Hey! Akihiko is mine! Back off."

I blushed madly at what she said..

I tried to hide my face so she won't get any ideas. I think she saw me though.

She then flashed a smile. She's really pretty.

They fought over me, they weren't really paying attention to me so I took the chance to sneak out..

Oh boy, this was the smartest choice I've made so far.

I've successfully sneaked out. I ran as fast as I could.

I don't know where I was going, as long as I'm safe.

My butler can be dangerous. He may look like a normal butler, but he is one hell of a butler.

I'm finally safe, I can now not worry about being raped by some hydra or a thunder priestess..

Or so I thought.. I was damn wrong.

I hate it when I'm wrong, it sucks.

They're both chasing after me this time. Why am I always being raped!?!

Akeno flew at me with incredible speed. I got ready, I know something bad is going happen.

Akeno says,"Quick! Come with me."

She grabbed my arm and flew to a place I don't know. I think it was somewhere in the forest?

She stopped at this cabin where there was a river near it. It looked beautiful, and I'm not exaggerating..

"How do you know this place?" I said to her.

She grinned and said,"Well I used to come here often. Now let's go inside."

She dragged me into the cabin and it was nice in the inside. I wonder if she kept this house tidy everytime she had the chance to clean it.

Wait I don't know if I'm safe here.. I mean I'm with Akeno... Alone. That isn't good.

As I thought about it, I heard my phone ring. Who could it be? It can't be Rias and the others since they're probably busy.

I looked at the caller's name and it was Ryun. Of course it was.

I answered the call and he says "Master! I have bad news. I ran into this guy and he was looking for you. I coughs a glimpse of his face though. He had blue eyes, with short hair. I think his hair was black. He looked suspicious master! That's why I called you to check if you're okay."

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