Chapter 4- A Broken Heart

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*WARNING: could be triggering to people who have ever cut themselves or thought about it. Please dont read if you think this could be triggering to you. PLEASE.*

-andys pov-

I woke up and Raven was leaning on my shoulder still sleeping.

I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

Then i thought about scout.

I know she says she loves me, but she is always getting calls from guys and leaving the room to talk to them... And the guys say shes cheating on me. We've been together for almost a year and i never thought i would love anyone else, but Raven is so...

Wait. How can i love Raven?

I barely know her... I cant love her.

Thats impossible. Right??

I was deep in thought when my phone went off. It must of woken up raven because she jumped.

"whats that?!" she said panicing.

"its ok, its just my phone." i assured her and picked it up. Scout was calling me.

"hello." i said.

"hey, i wanted to know who this is." a guy said from the other side.

"uhhh you called me. Who the hell is this?!" i said back.

"im scouts boyfriend. We've been going out for a few months and she keeps calling this number so i called it to---" the guy said but was interrupted by another voice.

"whatcha doing with my phone babe?" i heard scouts voice in the background.

"hello?" scout said.

"s-scout..." i said fighting back tears.

"andy?!" scout said shocked.

"we're through. Dont ever call me again you fucking cheater." i said angrily as a tear fell down my cheek.

"no andy.. Please listen..." scout said trying to change my mind.

"just... Dont." i said and hung up the phone. I leaned my head back onto the couch and tears kept seeping out of my eyes.

"a-andy.. Are you ok..?" raven said sitting close to me.

"it was scout. Her other BOYFRIEND called me using her phone to see who i was." i said wiping my face.

"are you serious?!" raven said shocked.

"yeah. I swear nothing good happens to me!" i said and stood up.

"its ok andy. You are WAY better than her. Dont let it bum you out." raven said looking up at me.

I walked into my room leaving raven in the living room. I saw a picture of me and scout smiling. I picked it up and threw it at my wall. That stupid bitch. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands.

"why...." i said as i looked at the ground. I saw glass all over the floor from the picture. I looked at my bracelets thinking about what i used to do.

"no.. I cant..." i whispered to myself.

I kept staring at the glass wondering how it would feel to do it again.

"maybe just once... One time." i said and picked a piece up.

It was cold and i knew it was sharp.

I took off a few of my bracelets and pushed it onto my skin.

It stung but it felt great.

I slid it across and i felt the warmth drip down my hand.

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