Chapter 18: Freedom

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The next day I woke up earlier then I usually did, there was too much adrenaline rushing through my body, and I could just taste the freedom that was a little beyond my reach.

I sat up from the bed and listened very carefully to what was happening outside my door. There was a lot of commotion, I could hear many deep voices, laughing and excited for their day out. It took about two hours but eventually there was complete silence.

I slowly got up from where I was sitting and I approached the door, making sure I was very close to the wall, so no one could see me. I ever so slowly turned the doorknob and pulled the door open.

To my great relief there was no one outside. Everyone seemed to have left because all around me there was only silence. I cautiously tiptoed down the hallway, until I got to Zachary's door. Once I was in front of it, I I turned the knob, hoping with all my heart that it was open.


It was.

With shaky legs I walked into the office, looking around for the painting that blocked the doorway to my freedom. It was right behind his desk. my heart was pounding in my chest, I was so scared I was going to get caught, but I approached the painting anyway, I had to get out.

I quickly removed the painting from the wall, and almost shouted with glee when I saw the door, but there was no time for that. I turned the final doorknob to my freedom, and low and behold, it was opened.

I was surrounded by green forest, nature so beautiful I couldn't help but cry, it had been so long since I had seen the outdoors, I just couldn't believe that I had made it.

Not wasting anymore time I started to run, run as fast as I could, deeper and deeper into the forest, with the wind in my hair, the soft grass at my feet and the tweeting of the birds, I couldn't help but smile. I was free.

"Please let me out" my wolf pleaded in my head, "I want a taste of freedom too" she whinned, and I relented.

I let her have control, and jumped up into the air, when I landed on the ground, I was a wolf, going faster and faster than I ever had before.

The problem I was now faced with was, that I had no idea where to go, but my wolf had a natural instinct for where we would be safest and I had complete trust in her, so I faded into the background and enjoyed my first run as a wolf.

We ran for a very long time, not stopping until we were far enough away from the rebel base. When my wolf felt like it was safe enough, we stopped at a beautiful spring, and drank our fill. It was about mid afternoon.

The sun had a soft orange glow shining its light across the forest. There was a thin mist, spread out through the trees, that made the place feel enchanted. It was breathtaking, but we couldn't stay here, we had to keep moving. So after our fill of water, we were off, running like the wind.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked my other half, wanting to know what the plan was. Insyead of answering it telepathically, she shared a thought with me.

It told me that she could smell a hint of a small pack that was about three hours away if we ran at the same speed, without stopping the entire way. But I didn't think that would be a good idea.

I think that after about an hour we should sleep for the night , it smells like its about to rain which is great because it means that our sent will be wiped clean. If we wait for our scent to be gone, there is no way it will lead them to the pack, so we should wait, and sleep." My wolf contemplated what I said, and agreed that I was right, so after about an hour and thirty minutes, we slowed down, and looked for a tree to hide under.

Once settled, I did something I hadn't done in a very long time, I closed my eyes and connected myself with the spirits of the forest, asking ever so politely if they could protect me while I slept. After about a minute I received my answer. "Yess blessed child of the moon, it is a geeat honour to protect you, sleep well." And I did exactly that. Physically and mentally, preparing myself for the day ahead.

"Thank you" I whispered to the forest, before I succumbed to the peacefulness and depth of sleep.


Hey there! I just wanted to say thanks for reading, i hope you vote and comment, I'll start to put more pictures up, i just gotta find the right ones. Thx so much for reading!

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