Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

For a second he was still, surprised, but then he kissed me back, his hands, at first still holding mine, but then move up to each side of my face. I hadn't realized I was on my toes until he began leaning forward, kissing me more and I'm back on my heels.

For a moment, I forget who I am or who he is, it's just us, but then our lips part slightly and we look at each other, I suddenly remember.

"I'm sorry!" I hide my face in his chest.

I kissed him. I kissed him. I kissed him.

"What? No, it's okay!" I hear the panic in his voice as he speaks, "It's more than okay."

He puts his hands to my shoulders but I stay where I am. I can't look him in the eye, why did I do that?

"Mary, it really is," his voice is calmer now as he whispers in my ear, "please look at me."

I hesitate for a moment then I slowly lean back at look at him, meeting his eyes but this time they're different, more intense, more... I don't know.

He's looking at me differently.

"I can't," I hide my face again and I feel him breathe, hopefully he can't feel my heart racing.

Why was he looking at me like that?

"Your Highness," a voice suddenly greets.

I quickly push myself away from him and stand at his side, looking down at my now empty hands.

There's a tall, blonde boy standing there, looking just around my age,  first smiling at the prince and then at me. He lingered at me for a short while.

"It's an honor to meet you your royalty, I am William, where I'm from I'm sure you don't care," William goes to shake his hand, his smile seeming more sarcastic than genuine after that last comment.

"Pleasure to meet you." He responds.

"I'm sure it is," I hear William mutter under his breath, I must've been the only one.

"And who must you be?" He more shouted than asked, taking my hand rather too tightly and shaking it too roughly.

"I'm, uh," how do I introduce myself.

"It's okay darling," he reassures, still shaking my hand. He leans in close to my ear and whispers, "I understand."

When he leans back and finally releases my hand, he only smiles as if nothing strange has just happened.

"Why, there he is the future king!" Another man, tall and large this time comes forward and greets the prince. I feel far away despite being only a couple of feel away.

"Come, I need to get you out!" William suddenly grabs my arm and leads me away, I quickly look back but all I see now are bodies of strangers I don't know as I'm still being lead away.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" I stiffen my legs to keep them from moving, pulling back on my arm, hoping to go back.

"You need to see the food they have here!" He tells me as if of were obvious.

"No, thank you, I don't mind-" I began.

"Come, I insist, who knows when the last time you'll have food again." He pulls at my arm again.

"W-what?" I keep my feet planted.

He looks back at me again, his grey eyes suddenly haunting, dark. Equally matching his voice.

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