"Im Your What"?

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I got up and got ready to go to the amusement park I put on my cut up band shirt (pierce the veil) and my black skinny jeans with my purple converse. I met up with the gang with Minnie.

"Hey guys sorry it took us so long someone couldn't decide what to wear".

"Hey I needa look cute I'm trying to get guys numbers".

"Why do that when you got Kevin"? I teased

"M-melody stop"!! Kevin shouted,

"Melody come on me and Kevin are just friends".

I saw Kevin's look down.

"You never know it's better dating someone that can be your lover and best friend in the same time". I winked at Kevin, he gave me a smile.

"Anywaaaays I forgot to tell y'all Edd's coming with Marie".

"WHAAT"? Nazz yelled.

"Yeeeea I invited him is that cool"?

"Yea it's all good" Nat said.

"Yea it's fine".

"Uqh whatever I'm just gonna stay with Marie".


"Aye mates"!!! Marie waved at us

"Hey Marie, where's Edd"?

"Oh he was right behind me"

"You lost him"?

"Shit I'll go look for him"

"No no it's fine I'll go find him"

"You sure Melo"?

"Yea, when I find him I'll call Nat".

"Yea sure let's go I wanna go on the Cobra before the line gets long"!!

"Okay be careful Melody" Minnie said.

"I will" I took off running to look for Edd I couldn't find him anywhere "what the heck where is he"?

"Hey did you see that cute guy with the beanie"?

I heard a girl talking is she talking about Edd?

"Jessica is trying to get his number"!

I ran towards their direction and I saw Edd, he was talking to a girl who's hair was blonde she had mini shorts on I don't understand why she's wearing that you could see her ass hanging out. I admit she is pretty.

"Edd"! I ran towards him.

"Oh hey sweet face"

"Who's that"? The girl asked

"I'm his-"



"She's my girlfriend, sorry I can't go out with you, or communicate with you whatsoever".

"You're lying".

"I'm not lying and I don't need to explain anything".

"C'mon you can do so much better, she's plain".

I stayed quiet honestly I didn't know what to say.

"Please, she's better than you in so many way"

She laughs "how so"?

"For starters she doesn't dress in such appealing clothes".

"What are you saying"?

"Do you not understand English? I said you dress like a fucking slut".

Her eyes widen.

"Maybe next time wear something that doesn't show skin, you never know maybe guys would actually look at your face, than again your face isn't that appealing either".

I snickers out a laugh.

"Hmm whatever I don't even care you're not that cute anyways".

"Appearance isn't everything", I said.

"What bitch"?

"I don't get people like you, always worrying or judging about looks". "Who cares everyone is amazing in their own way, you're not gonna make it far if you keep worrying about stupid stuff like that".

"How fucking dare you" she lifts her hand up and swings her arm toward me .

Edd grabs her arm "don't you fucking hit her".

She panics "l-let go"

He pushes her away, "let's go Melody this person sickens me".

"Oh okay" he sudden grabs my hand and smiles.

"You didn't have too"...

"Have to what?"

"Stick up for me".

"I know but I chose too".

"Yea thanks". I smiled

"Now come on let's go have fun"!

Okay sorry for the short chapter but I'll been really busy and school and work! But anyways I hope y'all enjoyed Christmas and New Years let's start off 2016 great!!!

It Can't Rain Always (Ed Edd n Eddy Rev! Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now