New Year 2013

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hi I have been planning, for a long time, into making this sequel (/kinda prequel-ish) released as a christmas/new years special. I chose New Year because it's one of the "holidays" where most couples either break up or make up. Now making "Destiel - Supernatural love" as my first ever trashfiction I waz (waz a waz, cheeky nandos eh... sorry) really scared because I've never been comfortable in my writing but due to the nice response and people liking I got a bit confidence and thought of doing another. I hope you like it and if you don't, please don't be mean about it.

BTW, this is two years back so Sammy is 14 and Gabriel is 15 and they havn't started dating yet.


New Years was going to be boring, Dean made plans with some of his friends and because I was a minor, I am not allowed to go. It's kinda boring spending new years alone, dad is in vegas on a "hunt" and if he comes home with anogher sinling imma beat his drunk ass. Walking over to the fridge I notice a stash of Absolute vodka, about 4/5 of them stacked in a row, one was half empty. This better make me tipsy. I take the bottle to the tip of my lips and just before taking a big swing out of it my phone starts ringing.


"Gabe" I say in a monotone voice, but really I'm just happy that a good human decided to call me.

"Sammy, how about you and me, New Years, alone, some alcohol and crying?"

"Yeah sounds goot to me, come by eleven"

Not having anything else in mind, I thought, what could go wrong? I got up from the brown wooden kitchen table, inspected the vodka, which tasted awfully, and took a big bag of cheetos into my castle. Well, for realsies it's just my bed.


I bolt right up and se Gabe straddling me holding a fresh pizza.

"It's not eleven yet" I moan, taking a slice of pizza. Gabe sits down beside me and puts two pizza slices on top of each other and takes a huge bite.

"Well it's not exactly eleven, it's eleven thirty"


"Yeah, the door was open so I let myself in"


with that I got up and walked towards the fridge, I took out the vodka and the coke and brought it up to my bed. "Let's get drunk" I say wiggeling my eyebrows and pouring too much into two glasses.

"3....2.............1........ DRINK"

chugging down the whole thing, my throat is bruning, gabe is holding the bottle to my outh, I take a big swing and directly after take a huge bite of pizza. "EEEWW, IT'S HORRIBLE"

"Yeah, I know right, but you'll see in about ten minutes, you'll feel great!" He winks and grabs a slice of pizza. I walk to the fridge , grab a bottle of water and make som popcorn. I'm pressing the wrong digits, hahaha, silly me. "GABE! WE SHOULD MAKE CHOCOLATE POPCORN" Gabe comes sprinting and helps me make popcorn, finally being done we fall on top of each other and laugh and suddenly I feel the room spinning and everything seems really funny.

"You are cute" Gabe slurs and hugs me. Awwwww that's soo thoughtfull of him.

"Thank you, but youuuu are thee cutes" I say giggling. Suddenly the alarm on my phone goes of. "ONLY ONE MINUTE LEFT AND IT'S 2014"


We go to the small balcony and hear the people shout "THREE.... TWOO... ONE" I don't know why but it feels right to lean into Gabe, and he does the same, suddenly our lips meet and a sloppy suddenly we are kissing. It's a mess and our hands can't control themselves, "Stupid hands" I murmur and Gabe slurs "I think I like you" and keeps his lips on top of mine but doesn't move them. "I like you too silly" and I give him a big hug.

*BLACK OUT* kissing *BLACK OUT* running down the stairs *BLACK OUT* Me and gabe having an eating competition *BLACK OUT* Me and Gabe in the same bed, kissing *Black Out* "Iove us" Gabe slurs "same" I respong and cuddle into him.


MY HEAD IS KILLING ME, I feel sick and someone I am sleepin on someone. Gabe. It's not unusual for us to cuddle but this time it feels different, and I don't know why.

"Sam, what happened last night?" He says and takes a sip from the waterbottle next to my bed. I think hard and all I remember is eating loads and some fireworks. "We had fun" I say and sit up to stretch myself. "Okay,I Feel like shit and I need to shower" He says, winks, takes one of my t-shirts and walks out of my room. That wink tho, daamn, Stop iyt he's my best friend and he has very nice features and me being comfortable eith my sexuality I can say when I find a guy attractive. From the shower I hear him humming on a Panic! at the disco song"It was always you, running from me now there's always time...." It was a little bit offkey but whatevs, im not Simon Cowell. I think hard about last night, what could have happened? I think about what Gabe and I could have done, but all I remember is us eating, playing and watching some fireworks, and falling around being really drunk, suddenly I feel my heart beat really fast and all I can think of is that Gabe is really attractive.

I think I like Gabe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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