When You Have A Random Day

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(This word count is over 1500! Anyways, BloodMoonTwins gave some suggestions and I just had to do 'em! Here's two cookies, one for you and one for your sister! (.:::.) )

[Warning: The extra contains a lemon, Smirky and Smiley. Don't read if you like lemons.]

Jeffy Boy The Killer [Does not actually contain Jeff]

D/N was snoring in his/her doggy bed by the window. BEN was sitting by the foot of your bed, watching a late-night T.V program while popping popcorn into his mouth and crunching loudly.

You were lying face-down on the aforementioned bed, trying to fall asleep through the noise. Between the pooch and the blonde midget, this was proving to be a near-impossible feat.

Finally, you sat up like the living dead and seized BEN by the shoulders with an irritated snarl. He managed to squeak out of suprise before you sent him sailing through the open window.

D/N opened one eye, sneezed, shuffled around in his/her bed and then settled right back to sleep again like the lazy thing she/he was.

You gave an annoyed groan as you trudged over to the window to close it again. You also fumbled with the T.V remote to turn it off, before getting fed up and punching the screen. It wasn't even yours.

Then you staggered back into bed, flopped down and resolved to murder the next thing that dared disturb your slumber.

Which was kinda bad news for the boy in the blue mask who was creeping out of your closest. He approached the bed stealthily, holding a gleaming scapel that he'd borrowed from Smiley.

L.J had so sweetly provided E.J with his kill list for the night. The monochrome clown had also been royally ticked off at him due to the whole "Jack" feud, so he included your name on it too.

But of course, E.J didn't know that. He just knew the address. Poor thing.

You felt the presence of someone standing by the side of your bed, but rolled over and assumed it was the neighbourhood ghost.

When E.J reached down to lift up your nightie to commence with the kidney-stealing, your eyes snapped open.

Weeelll... Once more, Phantom doesn't want to go into details about it. Let's just say that half the houses on the block were woken up by loud hollers and the sound of breaking glass.

BEN Drowned... In Wrecking Balls? [Unfortunately does contain BEN]
[Author's Disclaimer: I do not own Miley Cyrus nor her songs. Naturally.]

A horrific accident had occurred at your house. BEN had traveled through the wiring and accidently gotten into the main power box. His packet of Doritos had clogged something vital and blew it up as a result.

Without power, there was no videogames or ice cream or television. It was truly a tragedy.

Oh, and BEN was now stuck somewhere inside the electric wiring. You could hear his tiny shrieks of being too young to die, but couldn't pinpoint them.

Bemused and out of options, you turned to Twitter for help. In other words, you made a post from BEN's account. Phantom would go into details about it, but she doesn't know anything about Twitter.

Help! I'm stuck in the electric wiring of Y/N's house without my yum-yums! #bored.

In mere seconds, you were surprised by one of the replies. In fact, you had to double check it, wash your eyes with holy water and then come back to make sure you weren't hallucinating.

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