Chapter XIV : One Embarrassed Earl

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There's glimpses of heaven in every day.

After my rather dramatic entrance into the hansom, there was a very awkward atmosphere.

Ciel, sitting there with a smug smile on his face, and Sebastian with his hands folded most properly in his lap. I myself was bright red in the cheeks from exertion; sex was as far as I went, in terms of physical activity, nothing else. My chest was heaving from the effort that I had just put my poor body through, and there was sweat on my brow.

Christ, who knew that exercise could make you feel so very sick?

There was silence in the hansom cab for a good twenty minutes, I would say. Finally, when the noise of London city began to surround us, I cleared my throat to speak.

"Um, my apologies. I have decided it would be most beneficial for me to... accompany you," I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I assumed you would. Congratulations on making the right decision!" Ciel said brightly.

Sebastian arched a dry eyebrow at his teenage master. "We are camping, by the way."

Oh, Lord, my worst nightmare.

The outdoors.


I gave a small nod, trying not to betray my trepidation. "That sounds... wonderful."

"I was just as enamoured, trust me."

"You shouldn't be complaining so much, young master, the fresh air will be good for your health."

"I have asthma, Sebastian."

"Anyway, um.... You plan to... capture, and..." I left my question unfinished, and Ciel nodded.

"I've been thinking about what you said -- we'll try not to harm Charlotte, if we can. You're right, she probably is just an unfortunate victim of circumstance. She didn't ask to be resurrected, after all."

I swallowed. "Grace has told me that the process is horrific."

"Do share."

"Well... When she woke, she told me that there was a lot of pain. But it was a cold sort of pain, you know? As if she were pinned down. And she remembers that man... Violet. Gregory, excuse me. She remembers quite a bit from her life, before her death, but... they're overtaken by the more unpleasant memories."

"A shadow hangs on her," Ciel said quietly. "I've seen it. The poor girl."

"Yes. I don't think she's happy."

"It's unfortunate. To fall in love with the one who hurt you the most." He shook his head, and I felt Sebastian's eyes on me.

"Quite," I murmured. "I know that he killed himself. What happened?"

"Ah, he went mad." Ciel waved it away, settling back a little into the supple leather seats. Black was becoming beside his pale skin. "Shot himself over the side of a bridge. Blood everywhere, very messy. Or so I've heard, from my sources; as far as I know, his death was very hush-hush. I wouldn't say even his father knows, and he's police commissioner."

"Oh?" I blinked, and he smiled.

"I know what you are thinking; what an advantage, right?"

"Something like that. Really, it's unfair to the other three," I teased. "That Daddy couldn't protect them."

"I couldn't imagine anything else," Ciel said dryly. "Oh. Wait, my parents are dead."

I clapped my hand over my mouth, trying very hard not to laugh. That was made a little less difficult when the carriage rolled over a bump in the road and tossed my empty stomach upside down. Jesus. "Ciel, that's absolutely horrific."

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