Green Rage Monster!

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THESSALY, GREECE - August 22nd


Before Superman could react, Desmond had already bashed his crackling cane into Superman's face, sending a shower of purple sparks sprinkling down the stairs like marbles of light.

Superman flew through the air and collided into the ground, pieces of rocky pillars and stones flying everywhere.

Superman groaned as Desmond twirled his cane victoriously. Superman looked upon the cane the same way a demon would upon the Holy Cross, with anger and spite. But when he saw the energy rippling along the cane's exterior, he made a small gasp.

"The Nth Metal?!"

Desmond smiled and tapped his cane on the stair to his right, showering more sparks down the stairs.

"Correct." he smiled. "Bit of an improvement from that archaic, outdated armour, huh?"

He held the cane close to himself, marveling at it as he stroked the edges of it. The purple light lit up parts of his face, giving him a more frightening appearance. It was like he was holding a torch under his face and telling a horror story.

"That stupid Hawk couple had no idea how powerful their metal truly was..."

Everyone scowled at him.

"But then again..." he shrugged. "Most of you aliens have been pretty clueless people..."

Once again, Superman roared and threw his arms back. As his biceps flexed and his fists clenched, his eyes began to glow a menacing crimson.

In a matter of moments, the fiery beams launched themselves at Desmond, howling through the air as they did. But Desmond swatted them back at Superman like they were baseballs.

They flew through the air again and slammed straight into Superman's chest, knocking him off his feet in a fiery explosion.

Desmond looked back to everyone else, failing to notice Wonder Woman. One second of no focus was enough to catch him off guard, which led to Wonder Woman lunging at him with a scream of fury and a curled fist.

Unfortunately for Wonder Woman, Desmond was - just barely - able to get out of the way. Although he scratched his cheek in the process, he was able to regain his balance and fight again, quickly swatting away Wonder Woman's speedy punches and kicks with his cane.

Wonder Woman quickly spun in the air and performed a side-kick at Desmond's head, but his hand snapped out and trapped her ankle between his right shoulder and cane. The two pulled at each other and began teetering on their heels, quickly wanting to gain more balance over the other.

"Remember our first battle?" Desmond asked. "You said that I had the fighting skills of an infant..."

She grunted with effort, just as Desmond shifted his weight on his right foot, gaining the upper hand.

"But here I am kicking your ass." he chuckled. "If I fight like an infant, then where does that put YOU?"

Wonder Woman yelled in rage and tried to pull herself out of the lock, but Desmond's vice-like hands clamped onto her ankle and spun her around like a discus. He lifted her up and then threw her back down like a hammer, slamming her through the stone stairs and ledges with a sickening crack.
Before she could gather her senses on the steps, Desmond pressed his cane against her head, sending a wave of electricity through her skull.

Wonder Woman screamed for several seconds before he kicked her straight in the ribs, sending her flying down to the stage below.

Fortunately, Lantern conjured a large mattress, which caught her before she hit the ground. As she panted and rose to her feet, she inclined her head gratefully in Lantern's direction.

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