Chapter 1

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Crystal's image above :)

Crystal's POV:

I got up from my bed when I heard my uncle shouting. I'm so scared that I couldn't even move from the spot I'm standing. I heard rushing footsteps outside my bedroom, some growling and my uncle shouting for me to run. I tried to move but I couldn't.

"Please mom, dad, help me. I don't know what to do I'm so scared" ,I cried while searching my room for a spot to hide.

"Sweety, don't be afraid, we're always here to protect you" a voice popped in my head.

"Who are you? " I asked as I quickly run to my closet and hide.

" I'm your mother, find the red button here", she quickly said.

I didn't move, is my mother alive, why is she talking to me, and how can she talk to me.

" Sweety, stop asking a lot of questions we'll tell you after you escaped from this place", she said again.

" Oh, okay , sorry", I said trying to search the button until I bumped my head into something which is the red button and press it.

It is a tunnel and it's so dark that I can't even see what it looks like inside. What is happening here, why is there a button leading to a tunnel in my closet. There are lots of question clouding my mind.

"Child, focus then you can see clearly " a male voice said.

" Who are you? " I asked frightened while trying to focus my sight.

"Silly, he's your father" my mom said trying to hold back her laughter.

"What's happening?" I asked mom, " why are you talking to me, I thought you're dead and why can I see clearly?" I asked again.

" You're special sweet heart, you'll know when you get there and to answer your question, yes we're dead", dad answered.

" Now go, don't look back, don't ask questions, we'll tell you soon ", mom said.

I'm out in the woods now and I started running straight wherever my feet lead me. I'm exhausted, hungry and thirsty. I don't know how long I've been running.

"Child, just a little longer, soon you'll find a river, you can drink and rest there", my mom said.

I keep my pace running then I spotted the river. It's time to drink, and rest for a while.

I drank a lot and rest as I take a look at my surrounding.

"Rest, my child", my mom said as I close my eyes.

Jackson's POV:

I'm trying to finish all paper works concerning the pack when my beta knocks.

" Come in, " I said as the door open revealing my nervous looking beta, Jace.

" There's a report from north guards about a human near our territory " Jace said.

" Are you sure it's a human?," I look up the moment I heard it. There hadn't been a human here for how many centuries.

" Yes, Alpha. They said she is sleeping, she looks worn out", Jace said avoiding eye contact.

"Let's go ", I said. I'm so curious, why would a girl wander around the woods alone. I don't know why but my heart beats faster and my wolf is clawing its way out.

"What's wrong?", I ask Scott, my wolf.

" You'll know", he said before he shut me out.

I ignored what he said and shift. We're near the north border line when I smelled the most amazing scent of strawberry, vanilla and I don't know what the other is then I spotted the girl sleeping under the tree.

" Mate", my wolf said. I'm shocked that I don't even know what's happening. I don't want a mate, especially a human mate, it's not because they're weak but I'm afraid she wouldn't accept me as her mate, I'm a werewolf, they don't even know we exist.

I shifted with my clothes on and don't ask me why, I'm not an ordinary wolf and I don't know why but my mom said you'll know when the time comes. She's still asleep so I carried her back to the pack house in my room. She's my mate so that's where she would stay.

I stayed up all night watching her sleep, memorizing every inch of her face, she's so beautiful, and she's perfect. Her scent is intoxicating. She looks so fragile. I love her red long wavy hair with soft curls. And her eyebrows are perfectly shape. I love her lips, they look so soft. I love watching her sleep.

Why is she out in the woods alone?




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