Into the Blue

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Demi's phone started ringing. An unknown number was calling her: 800-268-7886. She had nothing to lose, so she answered.

"Hello?" Demi said.

"Meet at the caFATeria in Honeymoon Avenue," the mysterious female voice answered. "I have something to show you. I'll be there tomorrow at 3PM. Love, Lolita."

"Lolita wh-," Demi tried to ask as the girl hung up on her.

"It's probably Ariana Grande trying to make me pay for that one time my sister called her fat, I guess. That bitch ain't slick with the Honeymoon Avenue thing," Demi thought to herself. But still, she decided to go and see what this mysterious person had to show her. It could've been a murderer or a pervert, or it could've been someone with a nice surprise.

The day after, Demi went to the caFATeria in Honeymoon Avenue. It was still 2:45, and the mysterious girl was nowhere to be found. Just like in every good movie, the girl came in at 3 o'clock, dressed in black, with a hat and dark sunglasses on. Too tall to be Ariana, too elusive to be recognizable.

"You're Demi, right?" the girl said without smiling. She just moved her massive lips in Demi's direction.


"Follow me."

"Where to?"

"To the back of this dump."

Demi followed the shady lady into a small dark room. The neon lights were switched on, and finally Demi could see her with her eyes. Pootrida. Tied to a chair, with her mouth sealed with tape.

The unknown girl took her shades and hat off and finally spoke: "My album Honeymoon came out last week, and it's flopping because of this bitch snatching all the sales. I've heard you've been looking for her, so please eliminate her."

"How did you find her?" Demi asked.

"I told her the caFATeria was giving away hamburgers for free today. She came here one hour ago, with no weapons, just hunger. It was easy for my gang to get her and take her here. Finally my album can sell now!"

"Okay, but you are...?"

"Go away, before I kidnap you too. And take Pootrida away with you."

Demi was super excited. She grabbed her evil sister and took her home. Poot couldn't do or say anything, as she was still tied. Demi opened a door and threw Poot inside a dark room.

"Back to the basement, bitch! No windows this time!" Demi said, euphoric, with an evil laugh. After over a year, she had finally given her sister what she deserved for trying to ruin her life and career.

A week had passed by, and nothing had been heard from Poot. Everyone was worried, and they wanted to know about the hottest celebrity around. Demi said that she "didn't care about Poot" and that it was "better for humankind she had disappeared", but every day, in every place, the crying kids, the homeless people, the underpaid illegal workers were all screaming one name: Poot Lovato's. Demi was the cause of all the suffering in the world and she couldn't handle it. How could she be doing this to her twin sister? After all, they shared the same blood. There was only one thing to do, and that was forgiving Poot and letting her be.

On October 11, 2015, Demi announced she would reveal where Poot was, and she invited everyone to wait in her frontyard. Paparazzi, fans and bystanders all gathered in front of Demi's house as the girl was inside, her hands shaking, her legs weak and shivering.

Demi unlocked the basement door. She saw Poot.

"Poot, listen. I know I've been a horrible sister. I should've always loved you, but instead I just decided to ignore you. This made you a bad person, and your actions led to Lana Del Rey kidnapping you and me throwing you there... But that's not how you're supposed to live. You're a talented girl. If you want to keep smashing as you deserve to, then go do it. You're free. I love you, Poot, remember that."

Poot was poker faced, but inside she was in tears of joy. "Demi, I became famous just to take revenge on you, but now that we're fine, I don't need this anymore. All I ever wanted was to be free. I just want to stay with my friends, with those who really love me and care for me. Those who don't see me as an embarrassment. I wasn't made for the Hollywood life. Please take me to the beach."

Demi nodded. She slowly opened the door, and Poot came out. She was free again. For the first time, she wasn't covering her face or trying to be someone else: she was being just Poot. A paparazzo approached her. She smiled. He took THE picture. The only verified picture of Poot Lovato we have. Yep, the iconic one. Everyone asked Poot questions, but she just walked to Demi's car, ignoring the million voices screaming for her. Her sister started driving, and in minutes they were at the beach.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Demi asked, worried but happy for her sister.

"Yes. This is not a goodbye. I hope your album doesn't flop. Bye, Demi."

"Bye, Poot."

Poot dove into the ocean and swam to the open sea. There, dozens of whales joyfully greeted her, spurting water from their blowhole. Poot looked at her sister on the beach for one last time, and waved her hand to her.

Demi just stood there, watching her sister disappear into the California sunset.


This chapter of Poot Lovato's story is over, but this doesn't mean the whole story is done. This fanfiction will be updated with a new series of chapters, called A Poot Lovato Romance. Everyone deserves to experience true love in their lifetime, and Poot is no exception.

I hope you guys liked my story, I put a lot of effort and love into it! A shoutout to the tumblr accounts that promoted this the most:

While you're waiting, check out my other fanfic I'm working on: Ariana Grande and the Power of Daddy's Credit Card!

Love, Kayley Marie Todd. (:

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