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Crystal was pissed off.

To say she was angry would be an understatement, the last thing she wanted to do was move house, never mind halfway across the country to a small town she never knew even existed.

The idea came to her Aunt Jenna shortly after the death of her father in the later months of last year, because unlike the teenage girl; Jenna knew that her own brother wasn't going to recover from his illness.

One of the many things that Crystal disliked thoroughly about herself, was the fact she was too much of an optimist. She had too much hope.

That's why her father's death didn't come too easy.

A lot of people say that having hope during the hardest and darkest times is a good thing, but not for Crystal. She thought of it as a weakness, a burden she had to carry with her throughout her life. Deep down Crystal knew that her father wasn't going to get better, that the cancer would take its toll and she would be left an orphan, among all of this, she tried not to think about all the horrible thoughts, like how he wouldnt be there to walk her down the isle when she got married, or he wouldn't be there to see her even graduate high school.

None of that mattered to Crystal anymore, she barely thought about her father anymore. Many think of that as being a bad thing, but she refused to think about him. The thought of him would always build up that lump in her throat, but she couldn't cry, it just wouldn't happen. It was like she had an inability to shed one tear, maybe that explains why she didn't cry when her father actually died.

Emptiness. Emptiness was all she felt. Like she had lost a limb. Like a whole part of her had been ripped away and she was left with heart-ache.

Crystal lived alone with her dad before he died. She loved being an only child and spending time with her single ather all the time. Her mother had died before she turned two, also cancer being the one to claim her life. Crystal couldn't help but cringe at that word.

It had decimated her world.

It stripped her until she was left with nothing.

Crystal grew up watching Marvel movies like Spiderman, and wrestling shows with her father which she loved; and she never even thought twice about wearing makeup and strutting around in seven-inch heels, hell she hasn't even had one boyfriend. Although still, none of that matters.

Friends didn't come easily to Crystal. The only person she had ever been really close to, was a girl who she once called her best friend back in New York. She couldn't really call that person a friend anymore, due to the fact that she just up and left with her family to move to Beacon Hills with her mother, father and younger sister. A few months after Crystal's best friend left, her father received a call that still sends shivers down Crystal's spine to this day.

Her family had been in a car crash. All dead.

The only one who hadn't passed away was the father, solely because he wasn't even in the car.

It made her feel sick. She was the first best friend Crystal ever really had, and she would do anything to get a friendship like that back.

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