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I spent the rest of the night on guard with me. I think he thought I was crazy or something. He looked at me over an dover again.

"Maddie, I have a question", Mark asked.

"Ask away", I said.

"Are you scared?", Mark asked.

"No not really as long as im with you guys I wont be scared", I said. I gave Mark a hug. I heard him sigh.

"Never in a million years would I ever picture my elf on the top of a house roof with you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse", Mark said. "Oh no",.

"What?", I asked. Mark pulled out a pair of binoculars.

"Crap", Mark said. "TOBY!",.

"Wait what?",I said.

"Zombies, Look", Mark said handing me the binoculars. I then saw about 10 of them and I called for toby too. He was in the field with his crossbow. I ran down the ladder and ran in to the house and found Felix and gave him a gun.

"Zombies", I said.

"Toby has it covered I promise", Felix reassured me. I took the gun any way and went back to my place on the roof then I heard Toby scream. I jumped off the roof and Mark was yelling like crazy. I shook off the pain in my foot and ran reoading the hand gun an running towards Toby. I pulled the trigger.  A bolt went through a zombies head. I pulled he trigger again and it missed then I fell and a zombie was on top of me but I kicked it in the head.  I shot all of them but I was way too late.

"Crap crap crap", I said. I ran over to Toby who laid on the ground and had a smile on his face. His arm had a bite!

"Not again", i said.

I cried and called for someone and Aaron came running and he saw him and cried too!

"I flippen done with this crap", Aaron said. "I have seen three of my friends die now, I saw my parents, and brother die as well",.

"Aaron I know this sucks", I said. Toby coughed and looked at me dead in the face.

"Honey, can you do me a favor?", Toby asked.

"What Toby?", I asked.

"Can you just pull the trigger?", Toby asked.

"NO NO Toby", I said. "Don't think that",.

Toby grabbed the gun from me and handed it to Mark.

"Aaron do it", Toby begged.

Aaron put the gun to his head and said sorry and then boom! Toby was gone! I grabbed Toby's cross bow and then turned to Aaron.

"Aaron I think its time that I go", I said.

"What the heck are you talking about?", Aaron said.

"I think it might be time that you took over and well I leave", I said.

"Maddie, you know how heart broken the group would be and Alexander..... How the heck would he react that you ran off?", Aaron said. "You said it your self. We were family.",.

"Aaron think about it. The family is dieing slowly. I cant watch it anymore", I said. Aaron took me in to his arms.

"Please dont leave", Aaron said. "Need you",.

Then a gun went off and Aaron fell back wards.

"CRAP NO", i yelled. I came next to Aaron he had a bolt hole throw his shirt. There was blood and he was holding my hand.

"Aaron....Don't you fricken dare leave me", I sobbed. I then saw Ryan running towards me with a gun pointing down at the ground.

"YOU SHOT HIM RYAN!",I yelled tackling him. Aaron ran out and pulled me off of Ryan.

"Where is Aaron?", Mark asked.

"Ryan shot him", I said.

"YOU WHAT?", Mark said jumping on Ryan. I sat next to Aaron. Everything was happening so fast and to quick. It was making me feel light headed. I held Aarons hand as I used the other hand to apply pressure to the wound but Aaron was going to die. Aaron moved my hand away.

"Aaron....What are you doing?", i said.

"I love you like a daughter", Aaron said. "I loved you like Jack and Wade did",.

He gasped for air.

"Shhh Aaron don't do the death speech your going to live to see the next sunrise okay? Don't leave now", I said.

"Tell Bob to be good and give Alexander a hug for me", Aaron said. "Im sorry Maddie",.

Feliz, Matthias, and Matt and Bob, Annalee, Anna, and Ava and Annalee came running around Aaron.

"Ryan Im going to officially kill you like you killed Aaron", Fritzs said.

"You killed Aaron", i sobbed then Aaron squeezed my hands and then he was gone.

"You monster", I said. Annalee had rage on her face and turned around and punched Ryan in the noise causing him to get a noise bleed.

"Your a psychopathic monster who needs help", Mark said. "You killed Aaron",.

Mark and Bob were in tears.

"Hold still It will be over soon Ryan, you will die knowing that you killed Aaron. You killed the British dude.The man who was the life of the party and was like a brother too me", Bob said starting to punch Ryan to death then he died. Ryan yelled and screamed in pain." You killed Aaron",.

"He deserved to die", Kate said holding Alexander close to her. I cried and laid on Aaron chest trying and praying for a heart beat we all knew he was dead though and it was Ryans fault.

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