Chapter 1: The War

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Part of it is the actual War but I changed it up a bit adding Taiwan, Vietnam, and China. Just so you would like to know.

America's POV (Pic on top)

"PIRI!!!" I called out frantically with a shotgun in my hand. I started running like crazy when I found her in Japan's arms. I aimed my shotgun at his head panting as beads of sweat mixed with the dirt on my face. I looked at him with wide eyes of terror as a katana as at her neck. She was already covered in bruises as blood dripped from her right arm.

"What... Did you do?!" I asked and put my hand on the trigger. I clicked it. But nothing happened. I had no more bullets left. My eyes widened as I scattered my hands for leftover bullets. They were all gone.

I already saw that Piri was unconscious. I eyes widened as Japan had a tight grip on his katana. "Let her go...," I said. Japan smiled. "Why shourd I? You have nothing to defend yourserf with," Japan said. My eyes widened as I reached for my pistol and cocked my gun.

"I SAID LET HER GO!!" I said and aimed my pistol at his head with a glare forming in my eyes. Japan smiled and dropped her. I scattered to my feet and caught her. I looked at her face with tears in my eyes. "You didn't deserve this," I whispered in her ear. I felt her breathing. But she was too weak to even fight and wake up.

Before I knew it, a katana was at the tip of my neck.

My eyes widened as Japan lifted my chin up with the blade. I looked up at him as the glare was still focused at him. Japan had some sort of evil look on his face as he looked down at me.

"My... My people got too distracted with your outside. Your a monster...," I said to Japan in a cold voice. All he did was smile and the words escaped his mouth. "Your useress. But fight a rong battre (long battle). We can be arries. If you surrender this fight," Japan said. My eyes widened as I looked at him in the eye. I looked at Piri for a second then back at Japan.

"N-No...," I said, shaky.

Everything turned black.

Vietnam's POV (Pic on top, technically bottom)

My eyes widened. I remember when I fought him (I think the Vietnam War was before the war in the Philippines. Idk I don't really pay attention in history). I quickly rushed by his side and shook him. "America! America wake up!" I exclaimed. Japan suddenly disappeared. My eyes widened as I continued to shake America. I put him down and listened to his heartbeat and breathing.

He was still alive.

He winced in pain and slowly got up. "V-Vietnam...? How are you here?" He asked rubbing the wound on his neck and winced in pain. "H-Hold on I'll get the medics for you and Piri," I said. America sighed and looked at the bleeding girl next to him.

"She's been through a lot. Slave of Spain, now Japan attacks her country," America said and shook his head almost at the verge of tears. I started to run and get Taiwan who got the bandages and helped the two. I clenched my fists.

Where's CHINA?!

It wasn't long before I found him lying on the ground with worse wounds than Philippines. My eyes widened as I looked at him in the eyes. "Y-Your here, aru," China said and my eyes widened. "D-Don't waste your energy talking! Hold on I'll get Taiwan and she'll fix yo-," he trailed my off and started laughing weakly.

"4000 years is enough for me to live, aru," China said. My eyes widened. "N-No! Who did this to you?!" I asked. China smiled. "J-Japan. Ai ya h-he puts much in a fight!" China chuckled weakly. Tears welled up in my eyes. "No! Taiwan! Come on someone else is hurt!" I yelled back at her nursing Philippines and America.

Tears started falling down again as my cheeks turned red and wet. I felt a hand stroke my side ponytail. I looked down at China who smiled at me weakly as he felt my hair. I started to sob.

"D-Don't cry, aru. I just wanted to feel your hair for the last time," China said and smiled. I saw as China soon put his hand down. I looked at him and and Taiwan who came in rushing. But men in Japanese uniform held her back. She too, started crying.

"China! Come in you can make it!" Taiwan exclaimed. China chuckled again as I looked at him in the eyes. "How could such a great country fall?!" I exclaimed as I wiped the tears in my eyes. I looked back at China who had a smile on his face.

"I love you, aru."

Were his last words before his eyes were wide in shock. They looked as lifeless as glass. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and my tears fell on his dark green military uniform with the Chinese flag on his left arm. "N-No..." I said. Taiwan started to scream frantically.

"VIETNAM!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!" Taiwan exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

I turned to look at the back of me and saw Japan with a blood-covered katana in his hand. The cuffs of his military uniform blood-stained. Before anything else, I saw there was a man behind him that almost looked like an apparition. He looked like Japan but had red eyes and black uniform. After I saw it, everything was white. I wasn't in the battlefield. I was in a place where there was only white and brightness. Almost made me feel, happy.

"Your here, aru," I heard a familiar voice say and walk up to me.

He was wearing traditional red Chinese clothing and his hair in a side ponytail like mine. My eyes widened as tears of joy were into my eyes.

"You know. I never believed in an afterlife. I thought that you only get one chance to live and that was it, aru," China said. I laughed and ran up to hug him.

I was in heaven. The afterlife, right?

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