Don't Be A Beach

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Riley's POV/

"And Sean came because?" Rockell asked me as I rolled my eyes. "Because we might be something more than just friends" I stated.

"Really?" Kelsey asked as I nodded and blushed. "I didn't think Drake would be gay though, I thought he was a FvckBoy" Roxy said as she looked out the window of the passenger seat.

"Who's Drake and who's gay?" Roxy's friend, Dean said as I laughed. "Drake is my ex-boyfriend who told me he was gay so we broke up" I said.

"And... You two are dating?" Dean asked, referring to Rockell and Kelsey who sat close to each other, and were holding hands.

"Yep" Kelsey said as Rockell kissed her cheek. "How long have you and Roxy known each other?" Rockell asked as I stared at the girls.

"About a month or so" Roxy said as I nodded. "So... How'd you two meet?"

Robin's POV/

"Are you a good boyfriend to Riley?" Randy asked Sean as he looked over the seat. He was the one driving and we all didn't know him very well.

Me personally, I only think he came because all of us couldn't fit into Riley's car so we needed an extra car that Sean happened to have.

"I'm not technically her boyfriend... Yet" Sean smirked. "She referred to you as her boyfriend" I said as Sean laughed.

"Well, I didn't ask her yet. But I will though" He said as he followed behind Riley's car. "Your a football jock, extremely handsome and your eighteen... Why didn't you ask her out yet?" Reese asked.

"I don't know" Sean simply said as I chuckled. "If I wasn't related to Riley, I'd sooooooo ask her out the minute I saw her" Ricky mumbled.

"Umm dude, don't tell me you have a crush on Riley?" Randy yelled as he turned around to face Ricky who was blushing.

"N-No..." Ricky stammered as Randy cocked an eyebrow up. "You stuttered?" Reese pointed out as Ricky mumbled curse words.

"I don't have a crush on Riley! I'm not into that incest shit anyway" Ricky insisted as Randy stared at him, turned around and his breath huffed.

Roxy's POV/

"Roxy, you and...?" Kelsey started as I glared at the brunette. "Dean" I corrected as she smiled cheekily. Dean bit her lip.

"Right, Dean. You two set up the towels and umbrellas. While the rest of us go over there and bring out the food and stuff" Kelsey pointed at the cars as she walked away.

"I'm glad that you accepted to be my girlfriend" Dean said as I blushed madly. "I'm gay Dean and you liked me. Your gorgeous so" I reassured as she smiled.

"You didn't tell your family that were dating?" Dean asked as I sighed. "No, I didn't even tell them that I was gay" I mumbled.

"Why not?" She asked as I sighed. "I can't... Express myself and I'm afraid they'll hate me or not except me" I sighed.

"Listen Roxy, I don't think I can resist myself when I'm around you." Dean confessed as I blushed at her. She did make me feel something.

"Then don't resist?"

Ricky's POV/

"You soo like her" Reese said as we walked to Roxy and her friend with more chairs. "Like who?" I asked as he smirked at me.

"Riley" He said, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Dude? I don't like Riley. Yeah I love her since she's my cousin, but I don't like her like that" I rolled my eyes.

Because Of Them A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now