Slave Day 9

394 18 7

Crazy Chapter

Sorry 4 Mistakes

6 Years Later

Jacob's POV

"Stop it Johnny" I whined as he was kissing my neck. "Why you know you want more" He teased as he tried to kids me again. "Okay yeah, but not now" I said pushing him off me. "Fine then" "JACOBBBBBBBBB HELPPPPPPP" I got up and walked down the stairs following the sound. "Whatttt" I whined. "Rayon could you stop!!!" Craig giggled as they were play fighting. "I have two questions. Why are you calling me for no good reason? And why... are you running in my damn house?"

"First of all it's our house too, and second he's trying to get the good good" Craig whined. Rayon caught Craig off guard and jumped over the couch and tackled him. "RAYYYY STOPPP" Craig screamed. Here we are 6 years later 17 and 18 trying to make good out of our lives. I'm 17 now and I'm happily living with the people that escaped with me. We all go to school now and we have jobs and wok hard, for our money. As we grow older we grow wiser and more mature than when we were younger.

"Jacobbb??" Melanie called from upstairs. "Coming" I groaned. I left Craig and Rayon kissing and went upstairs to Melanie. I went down the hall other room. "Yes Melanie?" I questioned. "I need your help on something" she said sitting on her bed. "Okay spill" I said sitting beside her. If you haven't noticed Melanie and I are on good terms now, by me putting her in her place about a year ago. Long story maybe another time. "Well I have a crush and,we're are talking and, he tod me to send him nudes...." I snapped my head towards her.

"Did you Mel?" I asked. "Yeah, BUT my face wasn't in it, and I told him not to show anyone" "Can I see what you took?" She wipped out her Phone and shown me what she sent. It was a picture of her boobs. "Okay, did he send anything first off after"

"Well he kinda sent a hard on to me, than I sent my boobs and he keeps asking for more" she said. "Are you dating him?" "Yeah, and and I've been having sex with him" she said. "Than what's the problem" "I like to have a threesome with him" she said covering your mouth. "Your nasty, you a freak" I said getting up. "So are you!!!!" She yelled standin up. "Well don't come to me when your pregnant" I said pitting my hands up in surrender.

"Am I a hoe if I ask for it?" "I don't know ask him" I said walking out.

I walked back downstairs to see Craig and Rayon no longer in the living room. I walked Inot he kitchen and looked for some dinner to cook and found Mac and cheese. "BITCHHHH" I said in a high squeak.


"YOO DINNER IS READY" Jacob called from the kitchen. Everyone fled down the Stairs, pushing, shoving, jumping. Punching etc was involved. "Yo could you mind?" "I'm pretty sure it's Do you mind" I said giggling. "Whatever" "Rayon you know your wrong" I said laughing. "Just put the food on the table" he snapped. "Cause you know your wrong" I sang getting the bowl of Mac and cheese.

"Yo Jacob wha-" before Melanie could finish Jacob put the bowl of Mac and cheese on the table. "Shittttt Jacob!!!!!! Babe please hurry with the plates" Jonathan yelled. "Mhh no I got my plate y'all can get y-" Jacob blinked once and the table was empty. He shrugged and dug into his Mac and cheese he put some on his plate and began to eat. "Shit Jacob you did good" he complimented himself.


"Stop it Johnnny" I said pushing him away. "Why are you not even gonna have sex with me?" he asked annoyed. "No I'm waiting for the right time" "And the time is now, why do you need to wait? I'm here you will never have another like me" "Okay but I don't just wanna have sex with any and everybody Jonathan" I argued. "Well I'm your boyfriend Jacob I won't hurt you if that's what your afraid of"

"No John I'm done, no sex because I'm not ready and that's final" I said laying down. "Jacob are you serious? Why can't you just agree to loose your virginity to me?" he yelled. "Because I don't want to catch something from your cheating ass!!!!!!" I yelled frustrated. He remained silent. "I friken thought so" I said shedding a few tears.

"Fine since I'm the cheater" he said rolling his eyes. "Goodnight I'm finished with the Conversation" I said.

Next Morning

Another day of school was Here for the five young kids. Melanie and Craig had left for cheer leading early in the morning and Rayon for football. It was Just Jacob and Jonathan in the house. Jacob arose from his sleep and stretched out his body he looked at the time. 6:15 am and walked into the bathroom, because he was one of the cheer leading coaches but didn't have to be there, so he could rake his sweet time. He undressed and went straight into the shower with his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"You use to call me on my cellphone, late night when You need my love, you use to call me on my cellphone, late night when you need my love, I got me some hotline blinggg" Jacob sang in the shower as he brush his teeth. Jacob heard an opening of the door, he called out for Jonathan, but no answer. Johnny ripped open the curtains and steeped in the shower. "So your not gonna give it up to me????? OKAY BITCH" Jonathan pulled on Jacobs curls and bent him over pushing is penis into Jacob ass with force and no mercy.

"STOP JONATHAN STOPPPP" Jacob screamed as pain was shooting up and down his body. "STOP WHAT UGHHHH SO RIGHHTT" he groaned not stopping. "STOPPPPP STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP" Jacob screamed as he tried to fight but Jonathan was twice his size. Jacob screamed for help, but Jonathan had no pity he wanted Jacob's virginity. Jonathan pulled out of Jacob and Came pausing down in the shower.

"The next time I want ass, you better give it to me" He yelled as he looked down at a crying Jacob. "Do you hear me?" he asked. Jacob curled up in the corner and cried. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND???" he yelled, at Jacob gripping his throat. Jacob nodded quickly as he couldn't breath, Jonathan kissed his lips and nodded. "Good boy, you listen to me now, and don't tell nobody or else, I'll kill you"

Jacob cried and didn't bother moving. Jonathan got ready for school as if nothing happened and left. After about two hours, Jacob arose out of the tub slowly and tried to wash himself off but pain shot through his body. He somehow found a way to wash himself and get ready. He walked downstairs and got into his car.


It was now lunch time for the high schoolers and Jacob was just arriving. He walked as if he was an old women, he had no feeling in his legs all he knew was he was walking. Craig spotted Jacob And ran over to him. "Jacob where have you been? The team was asking for you!" he smiled. Jacob opened his mouth but closed it after he had seen Jonathan walking towards the two. "Babe I didn't see you in class where were you?" he asked kissing my cheek. "I fell a-asleep in t-the s-sh-shower" he said trying not to cry. Jonathan was clawing at Jacobs hair, but Craig didn't notice.

"Okay I have to go find Ray bye" Craig said kissing my cheek. I smiled and he left. Jonathan gripped on Jacobs hard and pulled him in the bathroom. He ripped off Jacob's pants and pulled out His own penis. Jonathan pushed into Jacob with no warning and slammed in and out of him. Jacob was trying to scream but Jonathan put his head in the toilet. After Jonathan had came he pulled a almost lifeless Jacob out of the toilet.

"Your a good boy you know, I'll be back for more bitch" he said kicking Jacob in the balls, and leaving.

"Why me" Jacob cried as he was in pain. He called Craig on his phone and Craig came immediately. "OMG JACOB WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" he screamed as Jacob was falling out of consciousness. Craig called 911 And they came to tend to Jacob they took him to the hospital and Craig passed Jonathan. "Did he tell you anything?" he asked. "No, he didn't say anything" Craig cried. Jonathan smirked and walked off.

"Good. He would have got his ass beat"


How do you feel about Jonathan now?

~Monique ❌⭕

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