(Let's dance)

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April's POV:


“Ah man I got technology with Zendaya next as well” Hailey said. I rolled my eyes everyone has everything with her.

“Well good luck with that” She nodded her head, I saw Mr.Benson standing by his door waiting for us lot to come in. I turned around so my back was towards him and I was fully facing Hailey.

“By the way Cameron is coming with us to the fair today, so you guys can get along” She nodded her head.

“Maybe you should being a long Anthony” I said laughing. She punched me in the arm and I held it in pain.

“That really hurt” I said, she started laughing.

“Forget him man he just lives on my road and he is twenty years old” She said.

“Age doesn’t matter Hailey-actually it does” She started laughing. Suddenly, I let out a scream because someone was pulling the back of my bag; I took a peek around to see it was Mr.Benson. Great why does he always embarrass me? I looked at Hailey who was laughing with Fiona next to her.

“You guys!” I screamed at them, they laughed even more I was in the classroom I turned around to Mr.Benson who was smiling at me wickedly.

“Sir why did you do that for?”

“Maybe you should have come into the classroom quicker” He said fully leaning against the door.

“I was in a few minutes” I said complaining back.

“Just give out the books” He said. I turned around and got the books that were on top of his desk. I began putting them all out on the desks when the boys started coming into the classroom. I sat down in my seat and took a pen out. Mr.Benson walked into the class smiling. What has gotten into him today? First he was really sick and now he is smiling widely.

“Alright let’s start off with a game today” He said stopping in the middle of the class, which was behind my back. I turned around to come in contact with his leg; I looked up to see him smiling. It’s nice to see him smile.

“Ok let’s push the tables back and I want everyone to stand in a circle then” I helped the boys push back the tables and by the time we were done I was standing next to two boys who were way taller than me and my head next to their arm pits. Ewwwwwww! I bit my lip down and saw Mr.Benson smiling at me.

“April why don’t you come and stand here” I sighed and made my way over to him, standing there. He clapped his hands loudly and looked around he looks really enthusiastic.

“Ok let’s play wink murder” Yeh I love that game.

“Who wants to be the detective?” He asked all of the boys put their hands up except me; I don’t want to be the detective. He looked around and picked the jock named Caleb. Caleb high fived his friend and walked out of the classroom.

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