thoughts: 4

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without realizing, mingyu was already looking me. that's why he stopped typing.

"y/n, what are you doing?" he raised an eyebrow.

i went back to my normal sitting position. and fake a cough.

"ahem, nothing!" i said, hoping he would believe.

"do you think im dumb?" he kept his eyebrow up and smirked.


"you were reading it, huh?"

no more excuses can be made. so, i slowly nodded. why did i even do that in the beginning? ugh.

"if you think this is my girlfriend," he started, "well it's not."

who then? a soon-to-be girlfriend?
what am i even thinking..

"its my little sister." he put away his phone.

thank goodness. i do feel glad, but that doesn't mean i got jealous. okay, maybe for like 13 seconds.

no misunderstanding please.


finally, lunch time. i go to my locket just to put away my text book.

when i opened it, a ball of crumpled paper came rolling out, falling on the floor.

this is another 'i love you' right?

i pick up the ball and flattened in against my locker.

it wasn't  an 'i love you' . it was a letter. a real one. the thing is,  it's not from mingyu.

how the words were formed, different. size of the words, different.

as i read the first sentence, i knew right away that it's a love letter from somebody else.

i decided to just skip the rest. i will come back to it. no worries.
looking down to the corner of the paper,

"sincerely, soonyoung." it says.

• • • •
holy shiiiiiiii-


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