You're Insecure About Your Body (Michael) *tumblr*

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"Babe just set the camera down against the beach bag!" You demanded Ashton. He giggled and did as you said and laid it against the bag so the camera would detect both of you.

"Hi guys! I'm in the Bahamas with (Y/N)! It's been a blast so far, the other boys are at the hotel because they are party poopers and don't want to enjoy the vacation! So I thought I could do a twit cam to show you guys what's happening." Ashton spoke to the phone. You both sat criss-cross-applesauce on top of your beach towel. You smiled and added a few points to what Ashton was saying.

He talked about how you guys went swimming with Sea Lions and got kissed by a dolphin. You would add little key points like when swimming with the sea lions, the sea lion thought it would be funny to swim under water and poke it's noise, really hard, into Ashton's area. It left you dying.

"Babe could you get me some grapes from the cooler?" You asked, Ashton. He nodded, opening it up and handing it to you, not bothering to close it as he went on with the story he was talking about. That was a bad idea not to close it because a seagull came flying by, and stole your open bag of chips.

"No no no no no! Not the chips!" You yelled as you got up and ran to go get your chips from the seagull. Apparently Ashton found this the funniest thing he had ever seen and made sure to put it on the twitcam. You were running around in circle. You could hear your faint yells and Ashton's laughing in the twit cam. You finally gave up and came back to your spot pouting.

"I heard you laughing dipshit." You said. He was laughing his ass of at this point. You let a few laughs come from your mouth and you playfully kicked sand at him.

"Hey! You can't do that!" He exclaimed getting up.

"I can do what I want!" You answered. "Watch me."

You quickly took the phone out of his hands and ran, making sure to record him from behind you. He was running at quite the quick pace but you zoomed by your original spot, place it down in the same standing position.

"You are so going to pay." He said, smirking. He grabbed you from behind and started tickling you, as you slapped his hands repeatedly. Nothing worked though, he just kept on tickling.

"Okay okay! I'm done. I surrender." You said, out of breath. He let go and you raced to sit down and he followed after.

"That was quite the adventure." He said. You smiled and nodded. After about three more minutes, he finally ended it and you both left to go back to the hotel, only to see the boys keep rewatching your reaction to the bird stealing your chips. You just rolled your eyes and laughed along.


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