Bad Boy Love~ Part 9

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"You are an asshole. Why are you so bipolar?" I said to him as I got off of the back of the ambulance and started to walk towards the police.

I heard him mumble something, but I am just done with his crap. As I walked away, I had a screaming urge to flip him off, but I held it in.

"Miss!" I hear an officer call out.

I spun around to see a group of officers staring at me, "Yes Sir... Sirs," I stuttered.

"Can you answer some questions for us, please?" they asked while waving me over.

"Yeah," I said while stumbling over to the group.

The proceeded to ask me many of the same questions. Joe did it, I don't know him, he grabbed me and cut me, he almost kidnapped me, but Jake saved me.

When we finished the questions, Carrie drove up and asked me the same questions that I just answered. She hugged me and said she was sorry, then we all drove home together in silence. We being Carrie, Jake, Samantha, and I. Samantha was picked up from daycare and then Carrie drove right over and talked to the police.

"I am glad you are okay," said Carrie, finally breaking the awkward sheet of silence.

"Thanks," I breathed out while staring out the window into the dark and mysterious night.

"I am still confused," blabbered Sam, "What happened?" she questioned with a cute but confused look.

"A bad man tried to take Maya away, but your big brother saved her," Carrie explained in a loving tone.

"Like in CSI!" Sam blurted out.

"When do you ever watch CSI?" questioned Carrie angrily.

I saw Jake nudge Sam a little and she looked down in great thought.

"Oh, I got it!" she said as Jake sighed in frustration, she obviously ruined their plan. "I thought it stood for Cute Squirrel I.... Ina," her voice trailed off as she thought for a word that started with I, "Oh! Cute Squirrel Igloos!" she giggled.

Carrie gave Sam a glare in the mirror before saying, "Are you lying to me, Samanta Joy Groom?" she said sternly. You could obviously tell that Sam was full of crap, but Carrie just wanted her to admit it.

"Ummm," she said while looking to Jake, but he was staring out the window.

"I was watching it today," I said, a complete and total lie. What? I don't like seeing little girls get in trouble... There's nothing wrong with that!

"Oh," Carrie said with a sigh.

"Sorry, I didn't know she was watching," I said. Jake's head immediately snapped towards me with the weirdest look. Sort of a suprised look but with more confusion and a slight smirk of happiness.

"It's fine, just make sure she isn't anywhere near next time," Carrie finished before pulling into the drive way of her house and shutting off the engine.

"I will," I said while Sam stared at me with a thankful smile.

"Thank you," Sam said while hugging me. "You are the best new sister ever!" she squealed.

Jake let out an annoyed sigh and then got out of the car and followed his mom inside.

"Ignore him," Sam sighed. She pouted while slipping out of the car.

I was left alone in the darkness, with only my thoughts to comfort me.


Hey! Why is Jake such a royal pain? Ugh. Thanks for everything you guys. Reading your comments makes me laugh and feel good about my work!




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