Chapter 21: Nobody Like You

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"I'm convinced that you fucked me real good.

You did, you did,

But I won't let her go.

I got my reasons, and I'm not leavin',

So I wait on you to die.

Please take this time for me to be unforgiven.

I give my life to you.

I lay my life on the line for you,

For you, for you, for you!"

- Limp Bizkit (featuring Jonathan Davis)

Torryn couldn't decide whether to be overjoyed or to start kicking herself as she left the bathroom, dressed in Becca's borrowed pajamas. That moment she'd shared with Antony — crying again, telling him she loved him…What the hell had gotten into her? What the hell had gotten into him? That was like nothing they'd ever shared before. No blood, no carnal desire, no outright violence…It wasn't Antony. Something had bothered him during the act, and something had been bothering him before it.

Not that she hadn't enjoyed it, of course. She felt bad thinking it, but it reminded her of some of the times she'd spent with Skylar — sweet, gentle, legitimately emotional. She missed those times. She missed him.

And she was completely missing the point now, she realized, as she sat down in the armchair near the couch where her parents still slept — and thank God for that, because she didn't want to have to explain to her mother just why she'd been screaming in there.

Oh, God damn it, she grumbled internally, burying her face in her hands. Here I go again, getting way off track.

Should she be happy about it, or should she kick herself? Inquiring minds wanted to know.

The bathroom door creaked open and shut once more, and she lifted her head to watch Antony, smiling, walk toward her. "Hey," he said quietly, eyes flicking momentarily to her parents as he stopped beside her chair. "I have a few things to take care of before it gets too late. Will you be okay here by yourself?"

She nodded and just barely kept herself from asking him just what it was he needed to do, jealousy already heavy on her mind. She'd tasted the blood on his tongue during their little bathroom scene. She knew he'd been well sated before coming to her. What else did he need to do? Oh, right. Entire nonhuman battleground to run. "I'll be fine. Besides, I'm sure Skylar will be back soon." At least, she hoped he would be. He wouldn't go home without telling her, would he? He wouldn't abandon them to fight alone tomorrow.

For a split second, she thought she saw his expression darken, but he was soon all smiles once more. "Yeah, you're right." He leaned down to give her a gentle kiss, then started toward the door. "I'll come check on you when I can. Please, get some sleep."

"Yes, sir," she said with a playful salute at his back, and he chuckled as he passed through the door and out of sight.

Alone again, trapped in silence but for the quiet, even breaths of her parents, she sighed and reclined in the chair, her eyes focused on some little nothing in the distance. She wasn't being fair to either of the men, was she? Still in love with Skylar, now openly in love with Antony…

Ugh! Was she really that easy, boundary-less girl Skylar had implied her to be? Both of them assured her that they didn't think of her that way, but if even she was beginning to think it, how likely could it really be that they didn't at least have their doubts?

And why do I even have to choose, anyway? she thought bitterly, but she almost immediately relented. Because it's not fair to them. Right. I know that. Can't have your cake and eat it, too. Especially not when "cake" means "irresistible men." She smiled to herself. That would be a nice threesome, though…

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