Chapter 5

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Jane's POV
An hour has past and we were still talking Sammy and I had a couple of drinks but not enough to make us drunk. "We should play a game." Carter said. "What game?" Hayes asked. "Truth or Dare." Carter responded. "I'll pass." I said. I dislike truth or dare. "Cmon Jane! Live a little." Aaron said. "Fine. One truth and one dare that's it!" I said. "Alright Nash you start." Cameron said. "Hayes truth or dare?" Nash asked Hayes. "Truth." He said. "Do you still like Jane?" Nash asked him. "No. I'm dating Gigi." He said. Wow. Just wow. "Hayes' turn." Nash said. "Cameron, truth or dare?" Hayes asked. "Hmm. Truth I'm afraid what the dare might be." He said. "Who would you fuck, marry, and kill. Jane, Nash, Gigi." He said. "I'd kill Gigi. Fuck Nash. And marry Jane." He said. They all just burst into laughter. "Cams turn." Hayes said. "Jane! Truth or Dare?" He asked me. "Dare." I said. "Ooh we have a daredevil in the house. Don't worry it won't be bad. Maybe for one of us." He said. "Make out with Sam for 25 seconds." He said. I looked at Sammy. His face was a happy. We leaned in and made out. Sammy isn't a bad kisser. He's almost as good as Hayes. But not just like Hayes. Hayes is better. "23..24..25!" They all said. "You really are dating Sam." Cameron said. "You guys didn't believe me?" I said. "No." Hayes said. "Well, we are." Sammy said putting his hand on my waist. Sammy took out his phone and checked the time. "We are gonna get going. See you guys later." He said. We said our goodbyes and headed out the house. We got in the car and just stood there in silence. "You, Sam Wilkinson, is not a bad kisser." I said. "I was literally about to say that about you." He said. "Be honest, do you think the plan is working?" I asked him. "I'm gonna be honest. No. He's still not falling for you." He said. "Just forget about the plan. It's not even going to work." I said giving up. "Don't give up. We just have to try and make it look real." He said. "Let's just go-" I said being interrupted by Sam's kiss. We broke apart for what felt like 5 minutes. "What was that for?" I asked. "Hayes was coming out." He said. "Oh." I said. He turned the car on and drove back home.

Once we arrived I went inside Emily's room. She was surprisingly awake. "I'm back!" I said. "Omg tell me everything!" She said. I told her everything that happened at the party and her face was a smile. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Cause you kissed my brother twice! You're growing up!!" She said acting like a mom. "You're only 2 years older than me." I said. "Exactly so I have 2 more years of experience." She said.

Sam's POV
I was walking past Emily's room and heard Jane's voice. I quickly stood behind the door and listened. "Exactly so I have 2 more years of experience." Emily said. "Look listen what I'm about to tell can not be heard my Sam." Jane said. What can I not hear? "What is it?" Emily asked. "I like your brother." Jane said.
Heyyyy I updated! I just noticed that in the fuck marry kill part it says marry jane😂 anybody else get it?😂 anyways who do you guys ship, Jam/Jammy or Jayes? Song suggestion: Sorry by Justin Bieber. Don't forget to stay magcony -jade💕✨

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