Chapter 1-Eris

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Hi there. I'm Eris. I'm a 17 year old girl, a senior in high school, and I'm unemployed. My mother doesn't like the fact of me working. She says I'm not ready for the real world, but I'm cool with it though. She's doing it because it's what's best for me. Other than that, I'm pretty intelligent I guess you could say.

I take a few honors classes and a few AP classes as well. I worked hard to get where I am. I was tired of being surrounded by people who didn't know how to use the principles given to them. My senior year has been the hardest year out of them all. So much work to do and so little time. Staying up late and not getting enough sleep. One failing grade and I could fail the class. Sucks huh? That's how school is. My mother yells at me to keep them up. I'm just trying to pass honestly, just trying to get into college, just trying to be successful...

What does it really mean to be successful? Does it mean to graduate from college and get a job? Start a family with the love of your life? Or is it to have so much money you can't even count it all? For me, I just want to live life. That's what I want my success to be. To be free and travel without a worry in the world. I want to climb mountains and smell the fresh air, pet wild animals, wake up in another country and feel the sun shining through my window and onto my face.

All I want in life, is just that.. I can have that, I just need to work for it.. If I set my mind to it, anything is possible.

Starting now, today was another day of school. Another day of seeing my teachers, another day of seeing these people I lock eyes with in the hallway. I grab my backpack and get off the bus. I give my brother a pat on the shoulder first. I walk past hundreds of students just to get into the building. Some of my friends come and give me a little bump to the shoulder.

They tell me good morning and I do the same in return. They eventually leave me to find other friends. I walk into school, head to my locker, and get my books for my classes. I stop by the vending machine to by myself a little snack. I don't eat breakfast in the morning because I don't have time. I need more sleep than I do food. I walk into my first period class, calculus.

My school day has just begun...

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