Chapter 25

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*Time jump to 6 months into pregnancy. . . We all know we don't wanna wait too damn long xD*

Jackie's POV~

My lips touched the hot cup of tea while I waited for Jonathan to carry up some more boxes. His footsteps were heard outside the baby's room I'm in. Finally. Jonathan let out a heavy sigh as he set the final box down.

"Now to unpack for their room," He stated with a tiny smile. Yes, their . I have 2 babies inside me; which made me more careful and quick to become paranoid. There's 2 kids! Which means twice the chance of me screwing up and causing harm to them. A miscarriage. One of them being disabled. . .

"Jackie, calm down," Jonathan held me in his arms to soothe me. "They'll be just fine."

I sighed and stroked his hair. He was the only one keeping me together. Once I relaxed I set up some of the little things and Jonathan moved around all the things I couldn't.

"I can't believe their plan is working so far. We had to go through a few questionings and all, yet the police has seen us as changed people. We have an apartment, we get to keep our kids, I can work. . ." Jonathan said in wonderment. I smiled softly.

"Idiots," I stated bluntly. Jonathan chuckled and sat in my rocking chair. He patted his lap. I carefully sat down trying not to crush him with my increased weight. Jonathan held my hand with his on my stomach. A small thump touched our hands.

I let out a small laugh. My stomach wasn't too large, but I'm not complaining. At first we were concerned, but Victor told us some women are like that in pregnancy. Red just told me it means I'll lose the baby fat quicker.

"Hopefully Violet and Christopher Andrew will like the color blue," I thought aloud. Jonathan chuckled and sat us up to stand.

"They better; now I have to get going. I have to go to the bank then go to a job interview," he explained placing a kiss on my forehead. Jonathan and I knew he would never get his old job back so we settled for a Language Arts teacher or professor. It's something he enjoys so it wouldn't be very dull for him to teach or talk about.

"I wish you luck," I smiled. Jonathan nodded, gathered his things, and left. I sighed and looked down at my stomach.

"Keep your tiny fingers crossed, cuties," I murmured. I've had an ultrasound already and although you don't see their facial features clearly at all, I believe they'll be beautiful babies because of Jonathan.

Knock. Knock.

I furrowed my brows, none of our friends could be here. We agreed to do everything we could to not get caught. I cautiously walked to the door. My eyes looked through the peephole. My breathing hitched. JERVIS?!?! What. The. Hell.

I opened the door with wide eyes. "Why-" He rushed passed me and sat on the couch. I shut and locked the door. Jervis scooted over so I could take as seat. His face was full of concern.

"I'm so sorry Crow, I'm afraid I have bad news. . .It's Two Face," he stated shakily.

"What about him?" I asked containing my growl.

"Crow, he hates us all. Not such a surprise though," he said with a light laugh," He especially hates you, Jonathan. . . your kids. He's very angry, Crow. I'm so scared that he'll hurt you! I'm terrified! They all sent me to tell you because they want you to know. A- a-a -and they think I'm the worst one; I'm the h-hysterical one!" Jervis burst into a fit of sobs as I sat there shocked.

"Jervis calm down, hun. Thank you so much for warning me, it was very brave of you to risk going out of hiding," I soothed him. Jervis did his best to hug me and I held him. "Would you like to stay to make sure I'm alright?" I offered. Jervis nodded getting my hair all on his face.

I chuckled and got up to the kitchen to make him tea. His frown soon turned into a grin as he saw the cup of tea. Jervis thanked me and quickly gulped it down.

"Jonathan will be here in an hour or so," I informed him.

"Can we watch a movie to pass the time?"

"Sure, want to pick one?"

"Yes ma'am!" he answered excitedly. Surprisingly he didn't pick Alice In Wonderland.

Jervis picked Edward Scissorhands.

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