What You Like Calling Her

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i have my friggin period and i wanna fucking punch a wall because cramps hurt so fucking much. someone hug me my head hurts and i'm so cold. literally so cold.

lol i should've never told y'alls that.

and then, i have volleyball practice in the friggin morning tomorrow at around 8:00 which means i have to wake up earlier than i need to and i have a fucking math test and i suck at math and i wanna cry because last practice on friday i dived for the ball but landed at a weird position and now i have a bruise on my knee so whenever i'm at basketball and i run it hurts like a mothereffin ess. aND I WAS PLAYING SOFTBALL WITH MY FRIEND AND I SWUNG THE BAT BUT THEN THERE WAS A STUPID SPIDER AND I TRIPPED AND FELL ON THE BAT BECAUSE I'M STUPID AND NOW I HAVE A BRUISE ON MY SHIN. thanks stupid self 😒

sometimes i wonder why i signed up for volleyball this year. and sometimes i wonder why i'm bound to make it.

someone help me with my math, i suck at everything. like long division. (lol i'm not as stupid as you might think...i just don't have patience for math.) hmm. *thinks of what else happened today* oH YEAH. I PUBLISHED tWO MORE two? or three? idk. STORIES.

one of them is a dinah/you story, it's based off begin again by taylor swift, the second one is a camila/you story, it's about being afraid of being forgotten because of camila getting famous (you'll understand if you read the story) and the last one's a lauren/you story that's about being afraid of falling in love because of past relationships.

dinah/you story: begin again
camila/you story: athazagoraphobia
lauren/you story: philophobia


anyways, i'm curled up in a ball eating pizza while on netflix, in desperate need of cuddles and laughing. i need to go finish homework but idfc atm, i just wanna watch this is us and cry while i get cramps that feel as if i'm being stabbed repeatedly by my wife slayincabello. thanks for stabbing me babeeee 🤗💕 oH AND WE HAVE FUCKING PICTURE DAY ON TUESDAY AND I'M GOING THROUGH A BREAKOUT AGAIN AND MY FUCKing pimples wanna fucking kill me. ☹ <- OMG COOOL ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹

back to my rant I'M GONNA LOOK LIKE A FRIGGIN PIECE OF SHIT. yeah. now i'm done.

Again, I apologize in advance for these shitty preferences.

(this is the most i've ever sworn i think)

(idk. but idc.)


Like in the previous preference, you like calling Lauren your side hoe because side hoes are better than main hoes in your opinion, but she feels 'offended'. But it's okay because you love her.


You like calling Camila your little buttmunch or koala, because of her famous koala hugs....and her ess. shhhh...


You love calling Ally Allysus because she dislikes it. You and her have random little nicknames for each other, but you like calling her Allysus and Baby.


You like to call Normani grumpy bear because of this one incident where she was in your bear onesie and she was hungover. It was really cute :)


You like calling Dinah asshole or annoying because she usually is whenever you don't want her to, and whenever you're in a bad mood she's the nicest one you know.

lol this was bad.

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