Chapter 6

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Jane's POV
"I like your brother." I said. "Well I have good news for you. He likes-" she said but then immediately stopped when Sam walked in. "He likes...the color blue!! Yeah he loves it." Emily tried to save. "Don't just don't." I said. "What happened?" Sam asked. Emily and I gave each other a look. "I like you." I blurted out and then quickly covered my mouth with my hand. There was an awkward silence. "I'm gonna go." I said. I ran out of Emily's room and went into mine. I sat on my bed thinking on what I've just said. "Jane?" Sam said. "Yeah?" I said. "Do you really?" He said. "I-I don't even know. It's complicated.I like you and Hayes. Hayes makes me feel protected and loved and you make me feel special and loved." I said. "Jane. What if I told you I like you back?" He said with a smirk forming on his face. "Then I'd very much like that." I said. "Let's just go to sleep. Goodnight Sam." I said. "Goodnight Jane." He said and left my room. I had so many things in my head right now. I'm just gonna go to sleep maybe the tomorrow I can think more clearly.
I woke up alone and looked at the time. It was 12:46 pm. I got up from my bed and brushed my teeth. I went into my closet and looked for something to wear. I decided on wearing a white tank top that had a picture of a palm tree with high wasted shorts. I put on my white converse and went downstairs. Sam was obviously awake. I didn't talk but he broke the silence. "Do you still like me?" He asked. Do I? No. I can't he's my best friend. "N-No." I struggled to say. He didn't respond. "No. Because I don't want to ruin the friendship we have." I said. "Okay."he said. "I'm gonna go to Nash's place. Do you wanna come?" I asked. "Sure. Why not?" Sammy said. "Okay hurry." I said.

Once Sammy finished, we drove to Nash's place. Once we arrived, Sam opened my car door and held my hand. We knocked on the door and Hayes opened. "Oh. You're here." Hayes said. I simply gave him a smile and went inside with Sam. "Oh. Hey Jane!" Cameron said while cooking I'm guessing some burritos. "I see you cook now." I said. "Well, I've been looking at this Instagram account all about food and it has really simple food recipes." He said. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "Nah I got this. So how are you and Sam?" He asked both Sam and I. "We're good. Great actually." Sam said. "That's good well Hayes got dumped the other day." Cameron said. "Well babe I have to go. Are you gonna stay here?" Sam said to me. "Um yeah I'll stay here." I said. "Okay well bye love you." He said giving me a peck on the lips. "Love you too." I said and went out the door.

I went to Hayes' room and knocked. "Can I come in?" I said. "Is Sammy there?" He asked. "No." I said. He opened the door and I walked in. "We need to talk. Like seriously." I said. "Let me start." Hayes said. "I still love you. I admit, I get jealous when I see you and Sam because he has what I don't have. I get jealous when you kiss Sam because he kissed what I haven't kissed in months. I admit, I get jealous when I see you smile with Sam because I know that smile didn't happen because of me. I still love you Jane. And I'd ask you out but you're dating Sam. I know we can't date I understand that but can we at least be best friends?" He asked.

"Hayes, I need to tell you something...

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