The reflection and the skeleton detective (part 3)

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It had been hours since Valkyrie had been stuck in the mirror and it had been hours since she started crying. She didn't know what to do. How could Skulduggery do this to her? How did he not recognise her, for gods sake! She had been his partner for 12 years and he couldn't tell the difference between her and the reflection! She was mad.
The reflection awoke when there was a familiar tapping noise at the window so it grinned and climbed out of bed and opened the window to let her boyfriend in. He stepped in the room and took her into his arms and kissed her softly "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked and the reflection smiled "it would have been better if you were here." Skulduggery chuckled "I think that can be arranged for tonight." He purred into her ear and she giggled "I look forward to it." The reflection decided she needed to tell Skulduggery about the baby so she pulled away from him and looked him in the eye "Skul, I need to tell you something." Skulduggery just nodded and the reflection took a big breath "I'm pregnant." He didn't move "With your baby." Silence. Valkyrie watched from the mirror hoping That he would kill her or something but she didn't expect what happened next. He grinned bigger than he ever had before and kissed the reflection. Hard. They fell back onto the bed and continued to make out while Valkyrie's heart broke.
The reflection and Skulduggery sat in the bed, naked, "so I'm guessing your happy?" She said and Skulduggery laughed once "Val...I'm...I'm ecstatic!" He beamed and the reflection smiled up at him "I love you."
"I love you too. So much, and the baby." His hands went to her belly and bent his head down to it "Hello, this is your daddy speaking and I just wanted to say that even though I don't know if your a boy or a girl and I don't care because I will always, always love you." He kissed her belly and Valkyrie's face twisted "How can she let him talk to her crotch like that?" She muttered to herself and even though she tried now too, she started to cry again.
It was night time and Skulduggery and the reflection were sleeping in the bed while Valkyrie just sat there. She didn't know what to do. Skulduggery didn't recognise her. The reflection was pregnant with his baby and it hated her. A few tears rolled down her face.
How stupid are you, a voice said and Valkyrie knew exactly who it was
Go away
No, I'm going to help you.
When have you ever helped me?
Never, this is going to be a first!
Why do you want to help me anyway?
Because it's boring in here! And I'm sick of hearing your crying and whining! It's your fault all this happened!
It doesn't matter who's fault it is! I'm just angry!
Oh Valkyrie, you not angry, your jealous!
I am! So what?
I know what you want to do.
What do I want to do then?
You want to kill the reflection and dare I say...Skulduggery too?
I do not want to kill Skulduggery!
Ah, so you do want to kill the reflection then?
I do.
I can make that happen.
No. I'm not letting you out.
Oh honey, I won't kill anyone else.
But you'll hurt them.
Who do you take me for?
A world destroyer.
...touché! But I know you want her dead!
I know you do!
Then let's make it happen.
No! I'm not letting you out!
Listen, if you let me out now, then I won't bother you for a month.
...make it two months.
You have a deal. Now watch her burn.

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