Chapter 18 - Revealed Truth

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While eating, he kept smiling at me but I'm blanked. How am I supposed to do? I need to find a chance and ask MinYoo for opinion. Shit, I should have rejected him. But how can I?

"Ah, can you guys excuse me for a while? I have Erm, something to ask MinYoo. Come on" I motioned MinYoo to come with me.

"Hey what's wrong? *gasp* don't tell me it's-" I cut her off

"yea...he said he liked me and a-and... I said I like him too" please tell me she has an idea for whatever. "

Oh my god I told you! What are you going to do now?!" She started to panic. The worst had happened

"There's even the worst... He asked me out on a movie" I said trying to calm myself down.

But failed miserably,

"that's okay just go-"

"No it's not! He asked me out on the same time and same date as Zoey! What should I do?! WHAT SHOULD I-"

"CALM DOWN GIRL." MinYoo tried comforting me but


"I'm sorry okay! Just go-"

"No.. I won't go" I need to let go. I- I can't break with Zoey, I can't forget the memories we had. We've been through quite a lot and I can't loose this important friend.

"But... Will you be okay? You might not be friends with him anymore.." MinYoo claimed.

"How would we not be friends? He's maybe gonna be Zoey's boyfriend and-" who am I kidding.

"Yeonji stop.. It hurts for you and for him too" MinYoo said

She was right, but what can i do?

"MinYoo, you know how much this friendship means to me" she just sighed heavily and shook her head. We went back and finished our lunch before class starts.

Sighh I can't even concentrate in anything. I bet Tae realized

"hey.. You alright? You seemed weird"

"Ah? Yea.. I'm.. Okay.." I'm not okay, but who can feel the same?

>> skip to Saturday << (5:25 pm)

MinYoo and Zoey came for a sleepover last night. You don't know how awkward it is to be with Zoey. But I can't hate her, she wasn't talking about Yoongi like she always do though. We have some projects to do that's why we didn't chat much, but Zoey told us how excited for the movie date she has tonight.

Everytime she says that. I got stabbed. I'm really giving the guy I love to my best friend? It's currently 5.30pm and Zoey was ready to go. She put on so,e light makeup and wore a little black dress, making her curves even more viewable. She looked really pretty..

She went off and I stared at the doorframe.

"Are you sure you're not going?" MinYoo asked breaking the silence. "I'm not" I'm really not,

"you should really go-" I cut her off.

"MinYoo you know how much this friendship means to me, you know me very well" I hope she could understand but she didn't. She shook her head and whither heavily.

"What if really be together?" This question crashed me to hell, but I do have a answer. An answer that came truly from deep in my heart, even if I have to sacrifice.

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